LBJshit (LBJshit)
2019-05-13 09:57:21帮补原文 不要再7pupu了
White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow on Sunday acknowledged that the Ch
inese do not directly pay tariffs on goods coming into the U.S., contradicti
ng President Donald Trump's claims that China will pay for tariffs imposed b
y the U.S.
Kudlow 说 川普是错的,中国并不是直接支付进口到美国的关税
Kudlow said that "both sides will suffer on this," but argued that China wil
l suffer significant GDP losses as export markets are hit. The blow to U.S.
GDP, on the other hand, won't be substantial since the economy is "in terrif
ic shape," he said.
Kudlow说两边都受伤,去讨论中国会有巨大的GDP lose, 然后美国GDP 会增加是不切实