rurugia (佛撞墙)
2013-11-16 17:28:141.原文连结:
Asus Mum as Netgear Sues Company for Falsifying Wi-Fi Router Test Results to
the FCC
Posted 08/15/2013 at 2:46pm | by Paul Lilly
Did Asus bamboozle the FCC?
Netgear is making some pretty serious accusations against rival Asus in
regards to two of the company's wireless routers, the RT-N65U and RT-AC66U.
According to a complaint filed with the FCC and subsequent lawsuit, Netgear
says the aforementioned routers that sit on store shelves and are available
to purchase online emit higher wireless signals than what the FCC allows.
Netgear further alleges that Asus conspired with QuieTek Corporation, an
independent testing laboratory, to submit false test results to the FCC to
ensure certification as part of a grand plan to eliminate Asus' competitors
from the wireless market.
We reached out to Asus for comment but have not heard back. That means we
only have Netgear's side of the story, and there's plenty to tell. Netgear
claims it voiced its concerns to Asus earlier in the year but didn't like the
response it got, especially after its own tests revealed that Asus' routers
failed a number of tests required for FCC certification.
If Netgear's allegations are true, it means the routers in question could
interfere with other electronic devices and potentially pose a safety hazard.
The FCC won't take kindly to that, nor would it be happy that it was duped,
if that's in fact the outcome. On the other hand, if the FCC finds that Asus
is in the clear, Netgear could be hit with a countersuit.
Asus RT-AC66U Back
Since all this went down, Asus issued a new set of firmware that lowers
output levels and deleted all previous versions from their website. Netgear
believes Asus is trying to cover its tracks. David Henry, Vice President of
Product Management for Netgear's Retail Business Unit, provided the following
statement to Maximum PC:
After Netgear filed its formal complaint and lawsuit against Asus in July
2013, the company released a new firmware update for both routers mentioned
in the lawsuit. Typically, when Asus releases updated firmware they continue
to provide access to previous versions, but Asus has deleted all of its old
firmware from their website for each product. One month ago they had seven
firmware versions available for each product and today only one (RT-N65U) or
two (RT-AC66U) is available. People can draw their own conclusions about what
that means, but we find it very suspicious that they would do that.
Netgear's lawsuit against Asus accuses the company of all kinds of
tomfoolery, including false advertising, unfair competition, violating the
Sherman Act, and other monkey business translated into legal speak.
2013/08/17 OpTicaL留言:
Netgear should spend more time fixing their own shietty routers than waste
time testing other people's routers. ASUS releases new firmware updates
consistently while Netgear's garbage receives no updates after it's released.
2013/08/17 Meta23留言:
Does anyone know what's firmware version that I should go look for for the
300% boost ?
2013/08/16 axiomatic留言:
Never upgrade the FW on my RT-AC66U ever again to keep the 200mw option.
Thanks Netgear... you'll get skipped next time I look at routers.
2013/08/16 slim818留言:
I've had the asus rt-ac66u since December and I love it. I got it because the
Uverse gateway sucks and I needed an alternative to route my network. It's
the best router I've ever had.
2013/08/16 Hey.That_Dude留言:
Hey Netgear,
Since you have so much time to test out your competition's routers, why don't
you work on better coding your routers? How about fixing the MAJOR and
OBVIOUS security holes in almost all of your routers? How about fixing
features that you said you'd provide but break your router? How about making
a router that I would be proud to buy?
P.S. To all companies, Let's pick up the gambit and start offering LTS on
some of your products.
1.华硕这款产品很好 Netgear最好多花点时间改进自己产品 而非花注心力在无谓诉讼上
(米国动不动诉诸法律的行为 其实是很司空见惯的)
2.华硕该产品效率原本就很好 但因为诉颂而更新版本 可是更新版本会让效率变差
(米国人知道不要更新该产品 就能享受原有高效服务)
(就算不小心更新 但只要再刷回原版本即可)
3.所以网络对Netgear骂声连连 而Netgear在华硕发布更新版本后就收声了
4.这是在7-8月间的事 并未禁售 只是发布更新版本 但 大家不下载更新版就好了XD
(因为并没禁售 自然对营收和获利并未产生影响)
(华硕目前主力产品在平板.非常规笔电 Q3 EPS 6.65)