mk2 (四转硅谷创业师)
2012-10-18 14:16:09我来当第三方仲裁好了.
不过这也没什么, 在美国如果有房子,就会一清二楚.
基本上County是课property tax机关. 为主要budget在来源.
County下设有Tax collector, 专门在收property tax.
有分real estate and personal property.
也就是secured and nonsecured property.
再下来负责每年property tax bill的人叫 county's assessor
下面是旧金山property tax的网站
教你读property tax bill.
基本上, 房子过户时, 会被assessor来估价. 但是, County每年会调整taxable value.
没有人会有时间花工夫每年帮你的房子评价. Assessor就年年最多加你2%的税.
如果你觉得交的很干. 例如市价远低于你的taxable value.
你可以申请re-assessment. County有可能重估后退你税金.
如果市价年年高涨, 你应该会偷笑, 因为最多就是多交2%.
这是当年加州公投的结果. 其它州有可能不一样. 就因为如此,加州炒房蛮凶的.
如果那种年年调市价重估房子, 加上3%的税. 像有可能是德州.就炒都炒不起来.
Generally, the assessed value of your property is the cash equivalent or market value at the time of purchase. This value increases not more than 2% per year until the property is sold or any new construction is completed, at which time it must be reassessed. For more information on how the assessed value is determined, contact the Assessor's Office at (415) 554-5596 . Gross Taxable Value is [land + improvements + fixtures + personal property (if applicable)] Exemptions are provided by
law to certain property owners. The Homeowner's Exemption applies to homeowners who live in the property on the lien date. The Homeowner's Exemption is $7,000. Other exemptions include veterans/disabled veterans, churches, religious entities, and some charitable organizations.
※ 引述《IBIZA (温一壶月光作酒)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《innominate (innominate)》之铭言:
: : → IBIZA :四个理由里头没有任何一个是说会逐年调整的 10/18 13:39
: : Assessed Value: The property value used for tax purposes.
: : Assessed value is based on a set
: : "percentage of market value"
: : (see Level of Assessment definition).
: : Properties may have three assessed values:
: : Actual assessed value,
: : Transitional assessed value, and
: : Taxable value.
: 你就是装死没看到这个pdf就是了..
: http://www.nyc.gov/html/dof/html/pdf/nopv/taxable_value_sheet.pdf
: 四个理由中的任何一个发生, 会造成AV增加
: 但是我没有看到哪一个理由是说每年会调整的
: 如果会逐年调整, 就应该要列入这四个理由之中, right?
: : http://www.nyc.gov/html/dof/html/property/property_val_assessment.shtml
: : 这边都给你三年的例子了....还可以凹...
: 你有没有看懂这边在讲什么?
: 这边讲的可不是每年随MV调整
: 这边讲的是The limitations on assessment increases