※ [本文转录自 PlayStation 看板 #1LGGQXLS ]
作者: chiyun1994 (Cy) 看板: PlayStation
标题: [情报] 魔多之影 年度版 下周上市
时间: Thu Apr 30 00:28:14 2015
故事包: The Lord of The Hunt and The Bright Lord
皮肤: The Dark Ranger, Captain of the Watch, Lord of the Hunt, The Bright Lord
, Power of Shadow, and Lithariel Skins
符文: Hidden Blade, Deadly Archer, Flame of Anor, Rising Storm, Orc Slayer,
Defiant to the End, Elven Grace, Ascendant, One with Nature
任务: Guardians of the Flaming Eye, The Berserks, and The Skull Crushers
Warband Missions
挑战模式: Test of Power, Test of Speed, Test of Wisdom, Endless Challenge,
Test of the Wild, Test of the Ring, Test of Defiance Challenge Modes
额外: Photo Mode