[情报] Vader 上场时间本有20~30分钟?!

楼主: macefindu (飞什么飞?)   2016-12-20 11:23:25
Posted?11h ago毪y滟ox-19521
30 minutes of Vader screen time were cut-off
Outrageous !?
除了电影本身最后一段之外,还有一段在前面砍 Saw 双脚的部分,还有呼吸器的伤怎么
In france, A french cineaste, Xavier Gens (hitman), revealed that a colleague
of him who worked for the French Version of Rogue One told him that between 20
and 30 min of Vader screen time were cut-off....?
Apparently in those scenes Vador was a monster, explicitly cutting people arms
, legs etc. He initially would appear in 2 timelines different. The one that w
e know and saw but also the 10 years before when Saw Guerera was still bald. A
lso there used to be a scene were they explicated how Guerera became the cripl
e he is when jyn came in Jedha. In that scene we could see Vader fighting him
and cutting off his legs and crushing him hard with the force. And that scene
would also explain why he got his hair after...?
The link to the french article (there are many, but i will just put this one)
They also explain elswhere that apparently disney found those scene too much v
iolent and decided to cut them and reshoot 45% of the movie to lead the movie
to a completly different end. (initially Jyn and cassian would of run away wit
h the plans...)?
死米老鼠!!!!!!! 还我导演版啊!!!!!!!
另一个新闻,Felicity Jones 的合约可以再拍另一部片,Han Solo ???
作者: Yukirin (いい天気!)   2016-12-20 11:38:00
作者: Katarn ( )   2016-12-20 11:44:00
导演版不可能吧,不是戏院版或是回复一些......单是原本设定资料碟是背着在沙滩上冲,改成上传就不一样了战场前线的侠盗DLC还有保留这段 = = 但是这个DLC做得很差
作者: BF109Pilot (德軍王牌飛行員)   2016-12-20 12:09:00
导演版恐怕机会不大 蓝光附删减章节比较有可能导演版的话就要推王者天下
作者: lostheaven (lost-che)   2016-12-20 16:26:00
难怪 这部没有断手断脚我就觉得哪里怪怪的(?
作者: orion1991830 (鸡哩咕噜希哩哗啦吱吱喳)   2016-12-20 19:26:00
女主怎么在拍? R1从小时候讲到大 除非加在15年里面
作者: keflik2003 (爆炸头造就拳王!!!)   2016-12-20 21:11:00
Han Solo外传可以,Rogue One之前的冒险~
作者: batis (贝提斯)   2016-12-20 21:30:00
我一直在等断手的情节 结果居然没有XD
作者: seal998 (伪善的流沙)   2016-12-22 12:10:00
作者: tsubasa6405 (雪翼)   2016-12-23 19:59:00
作者: WSzc (WSzc)   2016-12-25 23:03:00
难怪看Saw的出场毫无必要 也起不了共鸣
作者: mephisto79 (非硬工程尸)   2016-12-27 08:28:00

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