hcd1983 ( )
2021-01-08 21:52:48※ [本文转录自 Tech_Job 看板 #1V-4gChS ]
作者: dolinian (杜丽娘) 看板: Tech_Job
标题: [征才] BitoEx 招募 App/后端/DevOps/QA 工程师
时间: Fri Jan 8 20:05:30 2021
BitoEX (币托)
9F, No. 98-1, Guangming Street, Xindian District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 231,
New Taipei City, Taiwan
BitoEX has successfully blazed a trail in financial services by collaborating
with more than 12,000 convenience stores across Taiwan. The achievement
was unprecedented as BitoEX’s trading business via convenience stores became
the first to be approved by Central Bank of Taiwan.
Furthermore, BitoEX is the first ever company which is able to issue an invoice for
every Bitcoin purchased at convenience stores. The trend of sales indicates that
people trade Bitcoin via convenience stores has grown more than 20% monthly
and still continue to rise rapidly today.
1. Senior Mobile App Developer 月薪 75k– 150k 台币
2. Senior DevOps 月薪 75k– 95k 台币
3. Senior Backend Engineer 月薪 71k – 100k 台币
4. Senior Python Engineer 月薪 71k – 100k 台币
5. Senior QA Engineer 月薪 68k – 115k 台币
6. Backend Engineer 月薪 60k – 70k 台币
[工作内容/ 应征条件]