※ 引述《mirror0227 (米洛)》之铭言:
: 大家好,如果目标是纯软公司
: 想要刷题练功夫,复习资结算法
: 下面哪种策略比较好呢?
: 1. 纯 C++ 刷
: 2. 纯 Python 刷
: 3. C++ 和 Python 混著刷
: 4. 其他
: 先说我自己的,我一开始是选 3,因为 Python 最熟(硕班念 Data Science)
: C++ 听人家说常考,所以也想练
: 但后来发现面试其实都能选 Python ...
: 所以觉得好像不用特别分时间去练 C++
: (练一练有时候回去写 Python 都开始加分号)
: 不知道这边的大家怎么看呢?
So it turned out that I scheduled most of my on-sites too soon. I wasn't
ready. The main themes were:
1. Algos: feel the need for speed. I was able to come up with optimal
solutions, but only on half of them I was able to execute perfectly and
within the time limit. So while I improved greatly, I needed more practice
for consistent and autonomous execution.
2. Design: I wasn't even close. Different companies and different
interviewers will have wildly different expectations. To get "luck" out of
the picture I needed to be ready for a much deeper discussion.
分钟,一场45分面试你就会比别人少做一题,一般标准是Medium/Easy 3题、
Hard/Medium 2题,因此如果都是Medium/Easy然后你只做两题,不能说一定就掰了