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2018-05-03 14:20:32公司名称:
Glasnostic, Inc.
Infrastructure/Test Engineer
Frontend Engineer
Backend Engineer
Develop a groundbreaking cloud management solution using state-of-the-art
technologies and Open Source components. Languages include Go, TypeScript,
Python and C/C++. This is an early-stage role, so engineering judgement and
design/architecture skills are just as important as the ability (and taste!)
for taking on broad responsibilities and working in a fast-paced, evolving
and fun startup environment.
What we are looking for in candidates:
A keen sense of engineering grounded in the knowledge of and interest in
a wide range of technologies
Can-do attitude (engineering is the art of making the impossible happen)
Ability to learn fast
Solid frontend, backend or devops experience
We offer
The opportunity to shape how applications are created in the future
An exciting, fun, fast-paced working environment in a well-funded, fast
growing startup
As much responsibility as you want (and can take!)
A competitive salary package including share options
Infrastructure Test 基本要求:
- 熟悉 Linux 操作
- 会操作 network utils, 如 iptables, ip/ifconfig
- 熟悉 Docker 使用
- 有 Kubernetes 使用经验
- 有 cloud platform 使用经验佳(如 Azure, AWS)
- 有 Go、Python 语言开发经验佳,或愿意学习
Backend 基本要求:
- 熟悉 Linux 操作
- 对 Linux network stack 有基本观念
(主要是 layer 2/3, routing, NAT 等,有相关开发经验更佳)
- 熟悉 RESTful API 设计
- 有 Docker 使用经验佳
- 有 Go、C 语言开发经验佳,或愿意学习
Frontend 基本要求:
- 熟悉 HTML、CSS、JavaScript
- 熟悉 RESTful API 设计
- 熟悉 ES6 语法 (let/const/class/module)
- 有任意 JavaScript framework 开发经验佳
- 熟悉使用 Git, Github (issue tracking, PR, review)
- 有学习热诚,不排斥碰系统、网络或前后端设计
- 良好的团队合作和沟通能力
- 基础英文能力
有全部满足也没关系。我们的目标是支援尽可能多的平台,目前主要支援 K8s、Azure
与 OpenStack,若您有其他平台相关使用或开发经验也欢迎来面试。
因为我们是外商公司,CTO 与 CEO 只会讲英文,应征者需具备基础英文沟通能力,不求
员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) : 提供 MacBook Pro
薪资(月薪): 80K + share option
薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 12 个月
年终奖金计算方式: 无
每日工作时间:09:00 AM ~ 6:00 PM 做满八小时即可
每周工作时间: 8*5=40
我们在捷运站中山站旁边有一个小办公室,提供电动升降桌、24" 萤幕,还有两个
懒骨头可以躺在上面打 code. :)
台湾团队目前有四人,一位 CTO 与三位工程师,另外还有 CEO 与一位 Designer
在美国。我们使用 Slack 做为团队沟通工具、整套 Github 服务与 Travis CI,
CTO 会排 issue 并适时追踪进度,有问题随时都可以跟大家提出来讨论。
偶尔有 Release party 或值得庆祝的事情会去吃大餐,公司买单 ;)
提供 share option
Glasnostic is a site reliability solution that helps enterprises embrace
the dynamic distributed architectures that serverless, microservices and
APIs breed. By managing service interactions in realtime, businesses may
commit to services in full, reclaim agility and own the front of house
customer experience.
As you build out your business critical, microservice-based applications,
you introduce complex communication patterns between services that reduce
agility, limit scale and undermine predictability. What’s worse, these
patterns are difficult to monitor let alone manage. Our mission at
Glasnostic is to eliminate this roadblock, so you may deploy quicker, at
scale, and with confidence, thus fully realizing the promise of service
meshes for your applications.
请附上您的英文履历、作品(如果有)与 Github 帐号,email 至
marcus [at] glasnostic.com
或直接在 Linkedin 申请 https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/623238296/