[征才] Cenpiph征Back-end软件工程师

楼主: alice1202 (艾莉丝)   2016-09-29 14:34:09
Cenpiph (香港商宏焰有限公司),24793683
Back-end Software Engineer
* Solid foundation in computer science, with strong competences in operating
systems, computer networks, data structures, and software design.
* Excellent problem solving, collaboration and communication skills.
* 3+ years of progressive software development experience.
* Experience in writing unit tests and testable codes.
* Programming skill in either .Net or JAVA.
* Must be self-sufficient, and self-discipline with ability to deliver by
* Have basic database skills to perform integration with MSSQL and/or Oracle.
* Have experience in taking API and perform integration to any software system.
* Basic conversations in English.
* Work closely with the product team to design and develop a variety of
features and reusable components to deploy XaaS, PaaS, IaaS product and
* Implement the features and follow Agile methodology in product deployment.
* Analyze and optimize back-end codes, and pursue simplicity, efficiency,
reliability and performance.
* Use independent judgment to take existing code, understand its function and
change/enhance as needed.
* Provide documentation to all development and customizations.
* Leverage customer existing cloud and service catalog technology and build
the integration features into these products.
【员工是否需自备工具? (是/否)】

每日工作时间: 9:00am~6:00pm (8小时) 中午休息(12:00pm~01:00pm)
每周工作时间: 40小时; 周休二日
* 员工教育训练
* 每周五英语课程
* 三节奖金
* 劳健保、团体保险
* 明亮舒适的办公环境
* 独立的Quiet Room
* 简单的健身设备及淋浴间
* 不定期公司聚会与活动
* 提供免费咖啡、饮料、零食
* 第一年10天特休假
* 10天不扣薪病假
Cenpiph为澳洲多国电信服务商Ethan Group的子公司, 在香港、新加坡、澳洲、黎巴嫩等
地都设有办公室, 致力于运用云端科技提供企业用户最快速及具扩充性的解决方案, 协助
我们已在台湾建立据点并持续提供客户软件开发的协助与服务。 公司的成功将奠基于诚
实努力的员工及独特有趣的企业文化, 诚挚地邀请您成为其中的一份子, 一同迎向建立下
[email protected]/*
作者: robler (章鱼丸)   2016-09-29 15:20:00
作者: knives   2016-09-29 15:54:00
这样很好阿,就说 四万找不到人,你有没有加钱找人

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