[征才] iOS/Android APP senior engineer

楼主: gorillaz1 (小角色)   2014-10-13 22:22:08
麦斯威科技股份有限公司 (Maxwell Guider Technology)
BLE Wearable Startup Company
成员来自 政大企研所, 台大资工/资管所 , 成大资工/电机所等,
并于 联发科 , 晨星 , 联咏, Synopsys , ASUS 等10年
IC/软件 设计/开发经验 !
[职务名称] : iOS/Android APP senior engineer
[需求人数] :3~5人 软件设计工程师、Internet程式设计师
1.) 资讯相关科系毕
2.) 熟 objective C or java,有 mobile/server 相关开发经验
3.) 学习能力强,也愿意去学以前没接触过的东西
4.) 有独立解决程式方面问题的能力
5.) 有良好的沟通能力,善长团队合作
6.) 有aws相关经验为佳
7.) 知道如何把 business logic 转换成程式
[薪资福利] : (月薪 60~80k ,保障14个月, 绩效奖金)
1.) 绩优福利奖金, 入股分红制度 (创业级分红)
2.) 具挑战性的国际化工作环境 (世贸中心/next to Taipei 101)
3.) 配Macbook Pro Retina 13"(i7) + 22"/24" LCD
4.) 员工上下班时间自由度高
5.) 办公室有零食柜及冰箱, 不定期会补充零食,饼干,滤挂咖啡,
饮料, 苹果, 偶而会有啤酒
[关于我们] : We are the best to provide total solutions, including
1.) BLE HRM belt and Super Combo HRM belt
2.) BLE Cycling Speed and Cadence Sensor
3.) Leading edge All Day Tracker & Sports watch
4.) Multi-Sports Mode Watch ( up to 4-6 months by 2032 )
5.) BLE Beacon (broadcasting) & Home Security & Fitness Hub
6.) Smart Watch & GPS sports watch
7.) Both iOS & Android app for kinds of sports and wearable applications
8.) Web Cloud with Social Media and Big Data technology
9.) Best WW top brands design win
联络人: morgan.yang@maxwell-guider.com.tw
作者: YishengSu (快乐的多多)   2014-10-16 00:21:00

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