Sun Sign
Oct 30, 2017 - It's important to remain flexible, but not so much that you
can't make a decision about anything. Your head says one thing while your
heart says another. When you give both of them free rein in an effort to be
as flexible as possible, they go in opposite directions. Postpone making any
important decisions until your path becomes clearer.
保持弹性是重要的, 但别太过以至于你无法为任何事情下决定。你的头脑意识说要往东,
而同时你的心说要往西。当你为了尽可能地保持弹性而放任两者自由发展, 这两个想法则
Oct 30, 2017 - Although you prefer to spend time doing your duty, whether at
home or at work, there comes a moment in life when duty isn't everything.
Recently you have had the desire to cast away your usual image and be more
adventurous. Let your hair down and get out there. It is about time that you
had some real fun.
纵使你偏爱花时间来尽你的义务, 无论是在家还是在工作时, 人生总有义务并非全部的时
候。最近, 你更趋于有将你惯常的形象抛弃并变得更爱冒险的欲望。让自己尽量放松, 走
Oct 30, 2017 - Your physical energy becomes sluggish today, and
unfortunately, this trend will continue through the next few months. There
will be times when you are feeling strong, but overall, you may feel as if
you are trying to run with a ball and chain on.
今天你的身体变得精神委靡无法动弹, 不幸的是, 这个趋势将会持续到未来的几个月。你
仍有感到身体强壮的时候, 不过总体而言, 你可能感到你如同带着球和上了锁练跑步搬地
Oct 30, 2017 - With today's transit, you may feel motivated to participate in
some group activity that involves planning and helping others. Even if it's a
birthday party for a friend, respect this need of yours to be involved in
spreading a sense of community. To experience a sense of participation to the
fullest, be sure to exercise and get your blood circulating. When you feel
physically engaged with your own strength, you are more grounded and ready to
随着今日的行星过运, 你可能会有想参与从事立定计画或帮助他人的团体活动的动机。尽
管参与的是一个朋友的庆生会, 请尊重你想要拓展团体感的自我需求。一定要锻炼身体,
让血液流通, 好能够充分地体验参与感。当你感到你用你自身的力量全身投入, 你更是走
不开身, 准备好要去给予了。
(N.B. transit是星象用语, 指现在的行星推移对人们的影响。)
Oct 30, 2017 - It’s a day for taking shortcuts and daydreaming. Avoid being
caught doing either. Can you get a lot done? Not so much. Tonight, how
fascinating is it to have someone who listens? Try it and see under a loving
Pisces moon when someone has something significant to say.
总体星象: (对十二星座全体的人而言)
今天是能够抄捷径和做白日梦的一天。避免期望自己两者都做。你能完成很多事吗? 不会
很多的喔! 今晚若有人能倾听自己的话该有多令人心神向往? 在某人对你有寓意深远的话
语要倾诉的时分, 在这对群体充满爱心的月亮双鱼之下, 去尝试看看吧!
(大家早! 我后来有看到每日只能转载两篇的注记了。
今天无聊翻了英语的, 可能有哪里翻得不好。
希望有人想要翻英语, 我不会天天翻。