anr2 (???)
2019-07-08 17:38:58小弟英文没有很好, 但是觉的应该与人为善 稍微的帮忙修改一下履历 欢迎给予指教
I am a junior student XXXX, majoring in social marketing, in the Department
of Marketing and Tourism Management of Chiayi University. I want to apply for
a long-term internship program for your company, YYYYY, and my available
working days can start on 15th July 2019. For shortly introducing myself and
saving your reviewing time, Here is a list of my skills and work experiences
as following.
Master Skills:
1. MS Office PowerPoint
2. MS Office Word
3. MS Office Excel including VBA Scripting
Language Certificates:
GEPT, Taiwan 725 scores
Prize awarded:
2018 The champion of National Universities of Green Tourism Creative Travel
Planning Competition, TAIWAN. The design concept had received many positive
praise from syndic.
Venture experiences:
1. Student Dormitory Volunteer from 2017/07 - 2018/06; this position often
need to accommodate the quarrel between the dormmates, I solve many conflicts
and always found the best compromise among them.
2. Coordinator of the cherished community from 2018/9 - 2019/3; I lead
community member and propose many plans for execution such as XXX festival
3. Teaching Assistant at Kid Castle from XXXX/XX - XXXX/XX; this is
accounting work; it needs to use the excel to make income and outcome sheets
to ensure all expenditures are correct. Through this position, I learned many
experiences from the fixed a lot of general chaos in bookkeeping to help the
billing system to complete.
4.Social Network Relationship Podcast from XXXX/XX - XXXX/XX; I am a
copywriter in charge of advertising proposal including the product
introduction, adjusting the photo of the product, and publishing it into the
social networks like Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube.
5. Foxconn 2005 high school student internship program. My primary work is to
execute the promotion plan of Asia Pacific Telecom to provide the customer
with lower telecom charges and help them to understand the benefit compared
to another Telecom company.
Finally, I kindly asked the honor reviewer to give me a chance to apply
for this long-term internship, and I will show my best performance
to reach your expectations.
※ 引述《sz06060817 (rose)》之铭言:
: My name is , I am studying in the third year of Chiayi University - Department
: of Marketing and Tourism Management. I am a marketer who is very interested i
: n social marketing.
: Working days: Summer vacations can be practiced every day. After semester begi
: ns, the internship days are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I can cooperate wit
: h a long-term internship.
: Study experience: I often need to make a ppt about the course, so I am familia
: r with using office and ppt.
: Activity experience:
: Chiayi University Xinmin student dormitory Volunteer (201707-201806) - I often
: n
: eed to solve all kinds of things in the accommodation, so I cultivate the abil
: ity to respond to the crisis.
: Coordinator of the cherished community (201809-201903): I am responsible for t
: he
: planning and execution of the event.
: Teaching Assistant of Kid Castle: Because the work requires excel to record th
: e income and expenditure, I learned to use it and the ability to solve unexpec
: ted situations.
: Acting as a public relations officer: experience in writing and writing a copy
: . I have an idea on planning a copy.
: I often write about urcosme's product experience. I will publish a product in
: ig and get 154 people by love. My ig is .
: Foxconn 94 students internship program.
: Help promote Asia Pacific Telecom and computers.
: Winning experience:
: The 2018 national colleges and universities green tourism creative travel plan
: ning competition is preferred. The design concept attracts consumers' journeys
: .
: License Expertise: The score is 725 points. I use tutoring and listening to En
: glish broadcasts to increase my English ability.
: I hope that your company will give me this opportunity, I will cherish this in
: ternship. I will not disappoint your company's expectations.
: 可以请大家帮我看看,并给予我建议吗?谢谢
anper (镜中人)
2019-07-08 18:05:00觉得稍微地
vosser (二的四次方)
2019-07-08 18:06:00英文不太有这种格式
2019-07-08 18:08:004.Social Network Relationship 的第三行publish+ing?give me a chance face-to-face 这句怎么感觉有点怪...
anr2 (???)
2019-07-08 19:18:00评论事情可以就事论事, 但是要提到小学四则运算 您扯远了给人一个机会 不会少一块肉 成不成材再说背
anr2 (???)
2019-07-08 19:21:00如果您的文 不能引用 麻烦下次发文前 先放上提示 我会遵守
anr2 (???)
2019-07-08 19:22:00先提小学四则运算的是您啊 我只是说我的认知 我又不知道您是谁
anr2 (???)
2019-07-08 19:25:00calm down 呵呵 下班啦 与人为善 与人为善
anr2 (???)
2019-07-08 19:26:00引用一下 名言 I'm trash! Toy4 还蛮好看的呵呵 离题的部份砍掉 多给人家一些机会 有时后会挖到宝
jojia (jojia)
2019-07-08 20:06:00觉“得” 你的中文....
anper (镜中人)
2019-07-08 20:11:00看来你英文不好 中文也不好 纠正你也没发现= =
wzmildf (我ä¸æ˜¯è˜¿èŽ‰æŽ§)
2019-07-08 22:06:00语言是拿来沟通的,但是写履历不是让你有懂就好的...再说了,原文那种英文,你要写履历随便google几篇范本都可以想办法从各篇抽取句型和篇章架构出来修改阿,要改真的无从改起,另外原文好像没说明英文自传的用途,也比较难针对用途来写,简单来说整篇自己去网络上找资源砍掉重练再来吧
apley (佛渡有缘人)
2019-07-09 12:48:00其实我觉得嘴炮到需要查询对方,就己经输了,因为潜意识觉得【需要更多东西】才能赢,为何? 因为单凭自己的文字和逻辑己经没有赢面.. 旁观者看来就是如此,心中怎么阿Q都无妨
作者: cool10528 (好芹) 2019-07-11 08:39:00
英文不好中文也不好吗? 觉得