[讨论] 这样的派遣工作 台湾就业市场一点感想

楼主: PegasusSeiya ( )   2017-05-02 15:19:25
在网络上看到了一篇这样的派遣工作, 相信应该是不错得水准的大外商, 但是这样的缺也
在派遣, 实在让人玩味, 贴些部分JD给大家看看;
. Be part of a thriving practice that's constantly looking for ways to
improve our customers’ experience
. Work with customers to identify business requirements
. Craft both high-level and detailed design documents and implement
innovative solutions using the most recent technologies
. Optimize customer’s current data solutions and infrastructure
. Continually learn and grow professionally
. Take a leadership role on projects
. Mentor other consultants to share your knowledge and experience
. B.Sc./B.A. or equivalent work experience combined with a relevant industry
experience in a consulting role
. Ability to travel domestically and internationally and work with different
cultures and customers
. Fluency in written and spoken English
. Ability to communicate with a variety of different audiences and strong
presentation skills
. Demonstrated ability to match technical solutions with customer business
. Ability to lead and motivate technical communities
. Ability to effectively recognize and adapt to change
. Ability to quickly grasp customers’ business challenges and drive positive
. Candidates with the following expertise will be an advantage:
. Advanced data analytics – designing and building solutions using technology
such as Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake, HD Insights, SQL DWH, stream
analytics, machine learning, R server.
. Business intelligence – combining knowledge of SSIS/SSAS/SSRS/Power BI
technologies with a deep understanding of data structure / data models to
design, develop, and tune BI solutions and reports
. Database development (preferably with SQL, including Azure SQL) – designing
and building database solutions (tables / stored procedures / forms / queries /
. Database administration (preferably with SQL, including Azure SQL) –
performance tuning, trouble-shooting, high availability / disaster recovery,
以上我还没贴完, 简单分析下来, 应该是要有finance, business, 还有system/data分析
能力, 以及consultant经验, 并且有leadership, 能够带人带案子
雇用类型: '派遣'
虽然目前应征人数是0人, 如果之后有很多人投递其实我也不会意外
只是有时候我在想, 台湾就业市场真的那么边缘化吗?
相信以这样的条件的人才, 如果不是因为外商在台HC限制
这种人才大可以在一般公司做正式职员, 甚至管理职
另外这种缺不知道有没有个60-70k, 不然只想用40-50k的话
作者: icelaw (深绿-理性超然-觉醒公民)   2017-05-02 16:59:00
我猜不到40K 然后再凹你说 已经屌打22k 已经很多 该知足了
作者: alice78226 (紫)   2017-05-02 19:37:00
你可以直接把JD放在GOOGLE搜寻,这个是微软的派遣缺微软的派遣是委托万宝华进行处理,很多工作都写的要求很高,但薪水......。Google的第一条其实是放在AU的正职缺,挂senior consultant,但这是在台湾,所以
楼主: PegasusSeiya ( )   2017-05-02 22:45:00
我知道, 所以才令人觉得台湾人... 难怪外商那么'爱'
作者: ofcrouse (还不知道)   2017-05-02 22:50:00
楼主: PegasusSeiya ( )   2017-05-02 22:52:00
70w或70k 我觉得请JD内述的人才都有点委屈真想知道什么样的强者会去

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