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作者: runwild (ˍ| ̄|●) 看板: Drum
标题: Re: [问题] 关于鼓的所有名词??
时间: Mon Jul 18 00:35:01 2011
推 teaspray:想要偷问为什么ride要叫ride? 07/17 19:00
以下节录自 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ride_cymbal
突然想到爵士乐也是相当重视ride的风格,不知道有没有些关连就是了 @@""
The term ride means to ride with the music, describing the cymbal's sustain
after it is struck. The term may depict either the function or characteristic
of the instrument. Most cymbal makers manufacture specific cymbals for the