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作者: Wojnarowski (@wojespn) 看板: NBA
标题: [情报] 火箭所有球员和选秀权都可谈交易
时间: Wed May 29 23:32:29 2019
Sources: In calls to front offices, Houston GM Daryl Morey is showing an aggre
ssive desire to improve roster with all players and picks available in talks.H
ard to imagine James Harden scenario, but the rest under contract - perhaps ev
en Chris Paul - could be moved in right deal.
火箭GM Daryl Morey展现强烈的企图心希望改善球队阵容,所有的球员和选秀权都可以动
Clint Capela is among the players Houston has gauged the market for in recent
days, league sources
最近这几天火箭衡量了Clint Capela在交易市场的价值