Fw: [闲聊] Wildstar GA Experiment X-89 华人首推

楼主: pnity (SEI)   2014-08-23 13:11:37
[Guardian of Nexus][Widow Exile] Wildstar 1/6 GA Experiment X-89
开始GA Raid 日 : 2014/08/16
首推日 : 2014/08/18
第二次击杀 : 2014/08/21
1080p is coming soonly
注 : Guardian of Nexus 为华人团征公会在PvP Widow上,
目前正在推GA 第二只王 Kuraiak the Defiler
作者: Solid4 (Pedot)   2014-08-24 16:09:00
Coming Soon, there is no "soonly"well on further research, soonly is apparently anacceptable form of soon, except it's rather obsolete..

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