[新闻] 印度订购25列新干线列车

楼主: Odakyu (青蛙骑士 瀬戸幸助)   2017-06-17 17:39:19
Indian Railways to order 25 high speed trains
NDIA: A 10-car variant of JR East’s Series E5 Shinkansen trainset has been
selected to operate the country’s first high speed line between Mumbai and
Ahmedabad, according to the Ministry of Railways. Indian Railways is expected
to order an initial build of 25 trains at an estimated cost Rs50bn.
Construction of the 508 km line is due to get underway in 2018, following a
groundbreaking ceremony which is expected to take place during a visit by
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe later this year. Completion is envisaged
for 2023. Geological surveys began in February, following the signing last
December of an accord between the government, the National High Speed Rail
Corp and Japan International Co-operation Agency.
Most of the 1 435 mm gauge line would be elevated, apart from a 21 km
underground section north of Mumbai including a 7 km undersea tunnel. There
would be 11 stations, of which four would be located in Maharashtra and seven
in Gujurat.
Each trainset would have 698 seats for standard class passengers and 55 seats
for business class. There would be two wheelchair-accessible toilets and
separate facilities for men and women in alternate vehicles. Baby changing
facilities are also to be provided.
Operating at a maximum speed of 350 km/h, ‘rapid’ trains are expected to
link Mumbai and Ahmedabad in 2 h 7 min, with two stops at Surat and Vadodara.
Stopping services calling at all stations are expected to take 2 h 58 min. IR
is planning to run 35 services each way per day, with two per hour off peak
and three in the peaks; the line is forecast to carry around 36 000
passengers/day in the first year.
Total cost of the project is put at Rs1 070bn, of which 81% will be funded by
JICA through a 50-year low-interest loan. The local contribution will be
channelled through NHSRC, which is a special purpose vehicle owned 50% by IR
and 25% each by the two state governments. IR has already contributed Rs20bn
to cover preliminary works, and earlier this year the national government
signed an MoU with Gujurat releasing Rs770m for its share.
作者: chewie (北极熊)   2017-06-17 17:46:00
只买列车?而且是E5? 东日本又偷跑啦XD
作者: Stan6003 (巨猩)   2017-06-17 17:51:00
作者: utamaru (IN OTAKU WE TRUST)   2017-06-17 17:54:00
作者: whistlerhu (Howard the Whistler)   2017-06-17 18:01:00
作者: E1000 (习惯..掌握)   2017-06-17 18:05:00
作者: komachi275 (笨笨熊)   2017-06-17 18:08:00
作者: cutec (sasaki)   2017-06-17 18:11:00
作者: Jimmy2010   2017-06-17 18:26:00
作者: wcc960 (keep walking...)   2017-06-17 18:31:00
采东日本是因为车头有强化排雪装置(=鲔鱼对策)吧 (误)
作者: NiChu (氵尼~~鱼禾火~~)   2017-06-17 18:33:00
作者: spiritman (偏要用一卡通<3)   2017-06-17 19:23:00
作者: cutec (sasaki)   2017-06-17 19:37:00
作者: velaro (下路双组合)   2017-06-17 20:04:00
作者: omkizo (陈武爱带你笑掌)   2017-06-17 21:05:00
优秀的国家用先进的高铁 远见的政府买安全的高铁有福的国民坐舒适的高铁
作者: zzzz8931 (肥宅)   2017-06-17 21:31:00
作者: Xkang (一日台大人 终生台大人)   2017-06-17 21:51:00
算大新闻喔XD 印度真的采用新干线 不是说说的可能是比较常看日文吧 看英文颇累XD日文新闻也有啊
作者: mstar (Wayne Su)   2017-06-17 22:39:00
ATC 之类系统要配合改造成印度现用的吗?
作者: ciswww (Farewell)   2017-06-18 03:23:00
作者: velaro (下路双组合)   2017-06-18 10:22:00
作者: vobor (蓝色大象)   2017-06-18 14:16:00
作者: ltyintw (菈米雅嘶嘶)   2017-06-19 13:17:00
作者: AndreYangMan (oh no~)   2017-06-20 00:37:00
best-max (?)

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