Fw: [爆卦] 美国曾考虑出兵推翻国民党

楼主: jetalpha (月迷風影)   2016-04-23 14:53:19
也提供了另外的资料(如 George H. Kerr.的《Formosa Betrayed》,即葛超智的
《被出卖的台湾》),文后附有摘录Foreign Relations of the United States
1949 Volume IX, The Far East: China [Document 402],提供给有兴趣的版友参考。
保卫大台湾的美援(1949 ~ 1957) 作者:林炳炎 出版社:三民书局
被出卖的台湾 作者:柯乔治 译者:陈荣成 出版社:前卫出版社
※ [本文转录自 Gossiping 看板 #1N6nW_TD ]
作者: Historia (历史本文) 看板: Gossiping
标题: Re: [爆卦] 美国曾考虑出兵推翻国民党
时间: Sat Apr 23 14:37:43 2016
党国意识形态就是那个年代的产物,举例说,当年“中国式的情报”如George H. Kerr.
在《Formosa Betrayed》所说,中国军人提供给美军的二战时台湾情报,竟然是他们自己
台湾的认知来幻想情报 (如原住民控制区不再管辖范围等等),这可是战争的情报部门喔
到上述党国学者的问题 (这也说明了党国年代,有些人可以靠关系进入学术界,才会有写
副领事美国白人 George H. Kerr 所写的书籍《Formosa Betrayed》说,当时台湾基础设
真正导致台湾从战前亚洲先进之列 (要质疑来源的话这是美国人说的喔,
以及台湾学界最近也靠拢向这派) ,倒成1950年代的贫困事实上是中国民国在台湾的
学界论文(page.101,注解处) 而非党国愚民宣传或小道消息,太多可怕的黑暗真相被埋
[PPS 53]
United States Policy Toward Formosa and the Pescadores
1. It now seems that there is little likelihood that the policy set forth in
NSC 37/1,82 37/283 and 37/584 will attain our major objective with respect to
Formosa and the Pescadores—the denial of the islands to the Communists
through their separation from Chinese mainland control. The situation in
Formosa and the Pescadores is
超长的 我省略很多
[Washington,] July 6, 1949.
Draft Memorandum Prepared in Policy Planning Staff
[Washington,] June 23, 1949.
A Possible Course of Action With Respect to Formosa and the Pescadores
Preliminary Comment
1. Any plan for the removal of the present authorities on Formosa and the
Pescadores immediately encounters two serious obstacles: (a) there are now
approximately 300,000 Chinese troops on the islands, who might resist such
action and (b) this Government is more or less committed to Chinese
sovereignty over the islands.
任何计画要移除现有福尔摩沙和澎湖统治当局,都会立即遭遇两种可能的障碍:(a) 那里
2. It would now seem clear that the only reasonably sure chance of denying
Formosa and the Pescadores to the Communists and insulating the islands from
mainland authority would lie in the removal of the present Nationalist
administrators from the islands and in the establishment of a provisional
international or U.S. regime which would invoke the principle of
self-determination for the islanders and would eventually, prior to a
Japanese peace settlement, conduct a plebiscite to determine the ultimate
disposition of Formosa and the Pescadores. Formosan separatism is the only
concept which has sufficient grass-roots appeal to resist communism.
3. There are two ways in which this change in regime could conceivably be
brought about.
a. One would be to induce other Far Eastern powers to take the lead
in initiating international action to achieve the above purpose. (For
purposes of illustration, I attach a paper outlining such a course of action,
drafted on the assumption that this was the course we would wish to pursue.)
b. The other would be to announce a temporary unilateral re-assertion
of authority over the islands on the grounds that subsequent events had
invalidated all the assumptions underlying the Cairo Declaration and that
U.S. intervention was required by the interests of stability in the Pacific
area as well as by the interests of the inhabitants of the islands.
2. This paper does not attempt to provide a solution to the first of these
obstacles. The answer to that question turns, in the last analysis, on
whether the National Military Establishment is able and willing, on much the
same principles which animated the British at Oran and Dakar, to provide the
requisite force to subdue and eject, if necessary, the Nationalist forces now
on the islands and to exert effective authority there for an interim period.
For these reasons, this plan cannot be implemented unless the NME indicates
such readiness and ability.
这份报告不对第一个障碍提供解答,那些答案根据最后的分析是 National Military
3. This paper does explore the possibilities for overcoming the political
obstacles which stand in our way and for providing a justifiable political
framework within which this Government might resort to a show of force or, if
necessary, an active exercise of force in bringing about an administration
independent of Chinese mainland control and enjoying solid anti-Communist
popular support.
4. The recommendations which follow are suggestive rather than definitive.
The general course of action being proposed here is so complex and full of
unpredictable elements that, if accepted, it should be implemented with
intelligent flexibility.
Course of Action
5. An inquiry should be instituted, along the lines of paragraph 2 above, as
to whether the NME is able and willing to provide the requisite force to
subdue and eject, if necessary, the Nationalist troops now on the islands,
and to exert effective authority there for an interim period. While awaiting
a reply from the NME, we should:
a. unofficially, through an existing cut-out, sound out the Philippine
Government in guarded terms slanted to its own interests regarding the
proposed course of action set forth in paragraph 8 (The Filipinos are
naturally going to be most reluctant to place themselves out in front on this
score unless this Government gives them a greater sense of security against
external attack.);
b. in no-wise committing this Government, indirectly approach the
Australian Government along the same lines;
c. even more cautiously and tentatively explore the attitude of the
Indian Government;(更小心且试探性的探究印度政府对此事的态度)
d. prepare a chapter in the White Paper on China dealing with Formosa,86
with particular emphasis being laid upon Chinese misrule of the islands since
VJ–Day (The White Paper, or at least the chapter on Formosa, should be
issued before action is taken along the lines laid down in paragraph 7.);
e. release for background purposes a small but steady stream of
information of this character and information regarding the Formosan
reemancipation movement.
6. If the reactions from all three Governments are negative, we should
reexamine this paper in the light of what has been learned.
7. If the reactions are affirmative and if the NME expresses a willingness to
make a show of force adequate to eliminate Nationalist troops from Formosa
and the Pescadores, and if necessary to apply it, we should forthwith
a. secretly and officially discuss with the Filipinos, Australians and,
if progress has been made with Nehru,87 the Indians, the questions which were
raised with them through informal contacts. We should state that if any one
or all of them would take the initiative in the matter we would be prepared
to support them and follow through on a practical basis. At this stage, the
British, Canadians and New Zealanders should be secretly advised of these
b. If there is general concurrence among the Philippine, Australian and
Indian Governments that all or any one of them would raise the Formosan
question as an issue requiring the attention of the powers which defeated
Japan,+ make our position clear along the lines set forth in the following
8. In our view the problem of Formosa and the Pescadores can be broken down
into two main components(福尔摩沙和澎湖问题可以被分解为两个成分): (a) the
need for a responsible and stable administration on the islands during the
present period (在这时期需要一个稳固且负责的统治当局) while they are awaiting
a stabilization of conditions in China and a final disposition at a Japanese
peace settlement (当他们仍在等待中国局势稳定以及最终处置的对日和约) , and (b)
the need for discovering what the desires of the islanders are with regard to
their future(岛民对自己未来的渴望必须被重视) so that a just and constructive
decision can be reached in the peace settlement on the basis of the
self-determination(民族自决) of the inhabitants of Formosa and the
Pescadores. We do not feel that we should take the initiative in seeking a
solution of these issues because (a) they are of more vital concern to the
Philippines and its neighbors than to us, (b) were we to do so, we would lay
ourselves open to charges of “Big Power intervention” and (c) our hands are
more or less tied by the commitments we made at Cairo and our actions in
facilitating Chinese assmption of control over the islands. While we are most
reluctant to take the lead in this question, we will vigorously and fully
support those states which will take action along the following lines:
a. Notification to all other powers at war with Japan that: The notifying
states view with grave anxiety the mounting threat of chaos and civil strife
spreading from the mainland of China to Formosa and the Pescadores(通知所有和
the Philippines recollect that it was only recently invaded and
ravaged from those islands; the notifying powers cannot view without
misgivings this new jeopardization of the security of all Southeast Asia;
they therefore propose that the powers which are still legally at war with
Japan should immediately concern themselves with the threatened turmoil in
this part of the Japanese Empire which is still awaiting final disposition at
a peace settlement; under Article 107 of the United Nations Charter,88 this
question is reserved for action by the powers which are at war with Japan.
The foregoing notification should be released for publication.
b. Either in the same notification or in a separate statement to be
issued simultaneously or shortly thereafter by all or any one of the
above-mentioned notifying governments, the proposal should be made that, in
view of the independent early history of Formosa and the Pescadores(福尔摩沙和
of the shocking record of misrule during the past four
years by the Chinese (中国人过去四年来在岛上令人震惊的的暴政纪录) and of the
many pleas from repesentative Formosans for autonomy (以及许多典型的“福尔摩沙
人”的自治请求), the powers which defeated Japan should promptly request the
U.N. to conduct within one year a plebiscite(公民投票) regarding the ultimate
disposition of the islands in accordance with the principles of
It should be further proposed that the U.N. be requested in conducting the plebiscite to place the following
alternatives before the inhabitants of the islands:(联合国应该进一步为岛上住民
(1) Do you wish to be administered by (a) whatever government emerges
on the mainland of China or (b) the present Chinese authorities on the
island, or(你希望被“无论”中国大陆出现什么政府或现行岛上的中国人政权统治,“
(2) Do you wish another form of administration: (a) trusteeship under
the United Nations, (b) independence, (c) any other?(你希望被另一个统治机构:
(a)联合国托管 (b)独立 (c) 任何其他?)
These proposals should likewise be made public.
9. The day following the notification recommended in paragraph 8, this
Government should:
a. propose to the concerned governments (and announce publicly) that
representatives of the states at war with Japan meet within one week’s time
at Manila or Canberra to act on the notification (Objections may be raised to
this proposal on the basis of inconvenience. Having made it, however, we can
then acquiesce to a conference of Ambassadors in Washington or London.);
b. announce publicly our reaction to the notification:
(1) The final disposition of Formosa and the Pescadores, parts of the
former Japanese Empire, awaits a decision at a peace settlement with Japan;
(2) Formosa and the Pescadores are at present under Chinese military
administration because the United States Government enabled the Chinese
authorities at the time of the Japanese surrender to assume control over the
islands, the decision to do this having flowed from the attitude expressed by
the President in the Cairo Declaration;(中国人在那里是因为开罗宣言,所以美国让
(3) Subsequent events in China and in Formosa have not justified the
assumptions on which these actions were taken: Chinese administration(中国统治
当局) on the islands has been rapacious and oppressive(贪婪的暴政) and the
chaos and strife(混乱和伤害) which wracked and gutted China Proper now
threaten to engulf these islands;
(4) It was certainly not the intention of the American people, whose
forces liberated Formosa and the Pescadores at so great a cost in blood and
treasure (这并不是耗费大量鲜血和资金去解放福尔摩沙和澎湖的美国人民想看到的),
that the Cairo Declaration and this Government’s action in facilitating
Chinese control of the islands should have resulted in the creation of a
menace to the stability and security of Southeast Asia and in the suffering
which has been endured by the people of Formosa during the past four years;(开
(5) Hoping that the Chinese administration on the islands might turn
to more responsible and constructive policies, this Government has during the
past four years scrupulously refrained from giving publicity to conditions on
the islands and to the appeals for liberation made by representative
Formosans to this Government;(希望岛上的中国管理当局可以“转向”更负责任且建设
(6) Confronted with further deterioration rather than improvement and
with the likelihood that the strife and misery on the Chinese mainland will
spread to Formosa and the Pescadores, this Government can no longer in good
conscience remain silent and inactive;(面对情况的恶化而不是改善,以及中国大陆
(7) In view of all the foregoing, this Government declares its
willingness to associate itself with the decision of the majority of the
concerned powers regarding (a) the occupation and administration of the
islands pending their disposition at a Japanese peace settlement and (b) the
future political status of the islands based upon the results of the proposed
10. Simultaneously, we should prepare with utmost despatch and vigor to lay
the groundwork for the meeting of the concerned powers. We should attempt to
obtain an agreed position with all of them excepting the Russians and Chinese
regarding the change in the occupation and administration of the islands,
acquainting our friends of our willingness to carry the main weight of the
military phase of the operation. To minimize the unilateral appearance of
this operation, we should urge the Filipinos, Australians, Indians,
Pakistanis, Canadians and New Zealanders to make at least token forces
available for the military operation.(多国共同出兵来进行这个军事行动)
11. At the same time, we should seek the collaboration of the Filipinos in
providing all possible facilities for Formosan autonomy groups to make their
case known both on the islands and elsewhere through broadcasts,
publications, … and other channels.…
12. At the meeting of the concerned powers, we should endeavor to insure that
the change-over on the islands be undertaken two weeks from the convocation
of the meeting. Details regarding the forthcoming operation should be decided
upon at the meeting. If China and the U.S.S.R. are represented at the
conference, it will be necessary to conduct the work of the conference
outside of the formal conference sessions which should then be devoted only
to forcing through agreed positions at the most rapid possible pace.
13. As soon as decisions to that effect are reached at the conference, we
should establish naval and air patrols designed to prevent access to the
islands from the mainland. At the same time, we should do everything possible
to facilitate the flight elsewhere of undesirable Chinese political and
military elements now on the islands, including ships to speed the exodus.(在
14. At this time, we should despatch an emissary to the key personality on
the island, General Sun Li-jen. Because Sun, of all the generals on the
island, has the least hopes on the mainland and is the most likely to resist
a change imposed from without, he is capable of performing the desperate act
of resisting vigorously. It would be judicious to present him with an
opportunity for saving his position. He should be offered the alternative of
declaring himself in favor of the Formosan cause and participating in the new
occupation. If he accepts, we shall have made a major military gain in
dividing the Chinese forces now on the island.(说拉拢孙立人然后可以得到现成的
15. The Generalissimo(大元帅,应该是说蒋介石) should be informed that if he
wishes to remain on the island, he will be accorded the status of a political
16. During the take-over and the subsequent administration of the island, we
should avoid so far as possible a conspicuous role. We should always remember
that our aim is more to deny the islands to the Communists than to acquire
responsibility for them and that our influence can be far more effectively
exerted through indirect and discreet means rather than through unilateral
heavy-handed measures.
81 This memorandum, PPS 53, according to an attached chit, was canceled on
July 6; a note stated that the views of the Policy Planning Staff would be
submitted by Mr. Kennan in a personal memorandum; latter not found in
Department of State files.
82 January 19, p. 270.
83 February 3, p. 281.
84 March 1, p. 290.
* “The Joint Chiefs of Staff are staff of the opinion that any overt
military commitment in Formosa would be unwise at this time. In spite of
Formosa’s strategic importance, the current disparity between our military
strength and our many global obligations makes it inadvisable to undertake
the employment of armed force in Formosa, for this might, particularly in
view of the basic assumption that diplomatic and economic steps have failed,
lead to the necessity for relatively major effort there, thus making it
impossible then to meet more important emergencies elsewhere.” (NSC 37/3,
February 11, 1949.) [Footnote in the source text.]
85 National Military Establishment.
86 See Department of State, United States Relations With China (Washington,
Government Printing Office, 1949), p. 307; see also post, pp. 1365 ff.
87 Jawaharlal Nehru, Indian Prime Minister.
+ As used in this paper “the powers which defeated Japan” and “the powers
at war with Japan” refer only to those represented on the Far Eastern
Commission: US, UK, USSR, China, Philippines, Australia, Canada, India, New
Zealand, Netherlands, France—plus Pakistan and Burma. [Footnote in the
source text.]
88 Signed at San Francisco, June 26, 1945; 59 Stat. (pt. 2) 1031, 1053.
方的理由 (这段呼应我上面说的党国学者写的垃圾书,党国时代没逻辑不会推理的低能儿
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现在公投就对了 以前怎样还是比现在公投次之
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帮高调。国民党写的=假的,基本上成立了= =
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