[问题] leetcode 464 can i win

楼主: powertodream (The Beginning)   2017-05-16 18:08:09
是两个人互相取数字, 当第一个人取的数字超过目标, 就return true
原本的想法是, player 1 挑全部没选过的number, 然后 呼叫secondPlayerWin的
去判断是不是有存在secondPlayer win的, 只要有存在A 选的这个number就是不行的
不过写不太好的吃了个wrong answer,
看了很多的作法, 都是做类似
!helper(desiredTotal - i)
想半天仍然不太懂... 有版友有兴趣一起研究研究吗?
这个是原作者的解释, 但是我仍然不懂他的意思, 为什么code要写成那样
The strategy is we try to simulate every possible state. E.g. we let this
player choose any unchosen number at next step and see whether this leads to
a win. If it does, then this player can guarantee a win by choosing this
number. If we find that whatever number s/he chooses, s/he won't win the
game, then we know that s/he is guarantee to lose given such a state.
// try every unchosen number as next step
for(int i=1; i<used.length; i++){
used[i] = true;
// check whether this lead to a win, which means
helper(desiredTotal-i) must return false (the other player lose)
map.put(key, true);
used[i] = false;
return true;
used[i] = false;
map.put(key, false);
作者: FRAXIS (喔喔)   2017-05-16 20:51:00
看起来很像是 game tree 的应用
作者: cutekid (可爱小孩子)   2017-05-17 00:23:00
解题思路: https://goo.gl/1sHQs4除了 Nega Min-Max Tree,Retrograde method 好像也可行

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