※ 引述《ccdog74 (夜久)》之铭言:
: 延后至11/29发售
: http://goo.gl/PPpZ5G
: 如果是真的,反正等十年了,无感
: 但回头看三月底那场就觉得有点讽刺呵呵
: 如果是假的大概明天也会揭晓
: 可能是实体零售商的误会一场
: A source within GameStop management has tipped us off that Square Enix has
: delayed the game until November 29th. Promotional materials with the new date
: have arrived at some GameStop stores with instructions that they are not to
: be put up until after Sunday, August 14th, so an official announcement could
: be coming then.
: The same source that has revealed this information to Gamnesia has proven
: reliable on multiple occasions in the past. This includes leaking the release
: date and trade-in deals for New Nintendo 3DS as well as the release date for
: Star Wars Battlefront.
推 HiHiCano: 假的拉怎么可能
→ blackone979: 假消息
→ chocobell: 假的啦
推 Xreay: 连结里面有人说是假消息了
推 cocowing: 昨天刚释出的影片就写9/30上市阿,谁会隔一天就打自己脸
→ cocowing: 这个假消息怎到处都在贴......
推 yuuko: 没哦,昨天的影片上没写发售日期
推 cocowing: 有写喔 http://i.imgur.com/XI38vdw.png
如果有关注过 SE 频道的话
‘World of Wonder’其实是一个系列主题的影片
从去年 2015 年 2 月公开的,总计有四部
World of Wonder Environment Footage
第四部影片(2016年8月12日)- NEW!!
World of Wonder feat. Florence + the Machine
上一部发布的影片最后有完整的秀出日期,2016.9.30 发售
但是最新的第四部直接拿掉了,8/12 号的影片就不放发售日期了