※ 引述《su43123 (无与伦比美丽的妳)》之铭言:
: 2天前,电玩广播节目Giant Bombcast
: 收到来自刺客教条 大革命开发人员的E-mail
: 信中解释了一些对于外界讨论的900p话题
: 此人表示若有需要,他可提出身为大革命开发人员的证明
: 此信是以开发者个人身份表示意见,非官方正式对外解释
: 大约从2:25 开始
: http://www.giantbomb.com/podcasts/
: NeoGAF 完整原文
: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=913010 漏贴
: 最近关于1080p的讨论太多了,我打算给大家做个启蒙教育
: I'm happy to enlighten you guys because way too much bullshit about 1080p
: making a difference is being thrown around.
: 如果一个游戏能做到和我们的游戏一样既漂亮又充满游戏性,谁还在意这些
: If the game is as pretty and fun as ours will be, who cares?
: 这个游戏能做到900p就已经超屌的
: Getting this game to 900p was a BITCH.
: 因为需要渲染的东西太多,花了好几个月才做到720p@30fps
: The game is so huge in terms of rendering that it took months to get it to
: 720p at 30fps.
: 在9个月前这游戏只有9帧
: The game was 9fps 9 months ago.
: 我们几周之前才实现的900p@30fps
: We only achieved 900p at 30fps weeks ago
: PS4的机能不足以带动1080p@30fps的大革命,不管谁说什么,即使你是索尼还是微软
: The PS4 couldn't handle 1080p 30fps for our game, whatever people, or Sony
: and Microsoft say.
: 这种规模的内容以及NPC,即使是经历过无数育碧游戏优化的人来看,也是非常惊人的,
: 更别说这代主机生命周期才开始没多久
: By the amount of content and NPCs in the game, from someone who witnessed
: optimization for lots of Ubisoft games in the past, this is crazily optimized
: for such a young generation of consoles.
: 魔多之影 虽然有次世代的系统和游戏性,但是画面也没有大革命好
: Mordor has next gen system and gameplay, but not graphics like Unity does.
: 证据就是魔多之影是跨世代的游戏
: The proof comes in that game being cross gen.
: 景深效果以及光源效果都是你从来没有见过的,甚至超越恶名昭彰:第二之子以及其他游
: 戏
: the depth of field and lighting effects are beyond anything you've seen on
: the market, and even may surpass Infamous and others.
: 因此我觉得成品应该有50GB,蓝光盘片都快爆了,起码有一半都是光源数据
: Because of this I think the build is a full 50gigs, filling the bluray to the
: edge, and nearly half of that is lighting data.
: 魔多之影像这样
: http://i.imgur.com/7e6VGkC.gif
: 大革命像这样
: http://i.imgur.com/FBQOnOi.gif
: 真实世界会这样
: http://i.imgur.com/AHu8vUc.gif
: 中文简译from A9
: ==================================================
: 几周前才达到900P 30FPS 那之前的宣传影片都是什么平台...?
: 拉魔多之影出来战干嘛 奇怪勒