决斗者的升华天赋(Ascendancy),其中免费暴力(Gratuitous Violence):
- 击杀流血的敌人时产生爆炸,造成等同其 10% 最大生命的物理伤害
Bleeding Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing 10% of their Maximum Life
as Physical Damage
- 对流血的敌人增加 30% 伤害
30% increased Damage against Bleeding Enemies
- 攻击击中时 25% 机率造成流血
25% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit with Attacks
中 http://poedb.tw/skilltree.php?n=Gratuitous+Violence
英 http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Gladiator
- 3% 额外格挡率
3% additional Block Chance
- 30% 格挡率套用到法术格挡
30% of Block Chance applied to Spells
- 近期内你若有击杀流血中的敌人,增加 30% 伤害
30% increased Damage if you've killed a Bleeding Enemy Recently
- 攻击击中时 15% 机率造成流血
15% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit with Attacks
中 http://poedb.tw/skilltree.php?n=Gladiator
英 http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Gladiator_(Ascendant_passive)
想请问召唤物造成的伤害算是 "Attack" 吗?