※ 引述《bbkuan (逼逼困)》之铭言:
: 贵族的Ascendancy终于揭晓,
: 能力就是能使用其他职业的Ascendancy能力?!
: http://imgur.com/H6gLXgZ
: 但不是所有的都能用,每种职业只有三种能力可以选
: 另一个能力是可以从另一个职业的起点点天赋
: http://imgur.com/bHWCw7y
: 以后血魔法就直接贵族起手拉
: 更多请参考ZiggyD的
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI3Gn5OQBkY
Recently = 4秒
20% increased maximum Energy Shield
1% of Energy Shield Regenerated per second
Enemies you Curse have -15% to Chaos Resistance
20% increased Damage if you've Killed a Cursed Enemy Recently
增加 20% 最大能量护盾
每秒回复 1% 最大能量护盾
被你诅咒的敌人降低 15% 混沌抗性
击杀被诅咒的敌人后的 4 秒内增加 20% 伤害
You and your Minions have 4% Physical Damage Reduction
15% increased effect of Offering spells
You and Allies Deal 15% increased Damage while affected by Auras you Cast
You and your Minions have 8% increased Attack and Cast Speed if
you've Consumed or Destroyed a Corpse Recently
你和你的召唤物获得 4% 物理伤害减免
增加 15% 奉献类法术的效果
你的光环增加你和队友 15% 的伤害
消耗或摧毁一个尸体后 4 秒内,你和你的召唤物增加 8% 攻击和施法速度
4% reduced Elemental Damage taken
Damage Penetrates 5% of Enemy Elemental Resistances
Gain Elemental Conflux for 0 seconds when you kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
30% increased Damage of each Damage Type for which you
have a matching Golem
减免 4% 元素伤害
增加 5% 元素伤害穿透
击杀稀有或传奇的敌人时获得 Elemental Conflux(0秒?4秒?)
增加 30% 与你的石魔相同属性的伤害
30% increased Armour
Cannot be Chilled
10% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you are Hit
you can't be Stunned while you're at maximum Endurance Charges
增加 30% 护甲
击中时 10% 机率获得耐力球
1.5% of Damage Leeched as life
5% increased Damage taken
25% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've taken a Savage Hit Recently
10% more Damage
增加 1.5% 生命偷取
增加 5% 受到的伤害
当你受到猛击(单次20%伤害)时,获得 25% 攻击与施法速度
10% 更多伤害
15% chance to lgnite
30% increased Damage while you have a Totem
Gain 15% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage if you've Killed Recently
Regenerate 2% of your maximum life per second while you have a Totem
15% 机率点燃
当你有图腾时,增加 30% 伤害
击杀后4秒获得等同 15% 物理伤害的额外火焰伤害
当你有图腾时,每秒回复 2% 生命
25% increased maximum Mana
Gain 8% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
Skills in your Helm can have up to 1 additional Totem summoned at time
20% chance to gain a Power Charge when you Place a Totem
增加 25% 最大魔力
额外获得等同 8% 最大魔力的最大能量护盾
头盔上的图腾技能可以多放 1 个
放置图腾时 20% 机率获得暴击球
20% increased Elemental Damage
Take 8% reduced Elemental Damage While Standing on Consecrate Ground
120% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies affected
by Elemental Status Ailments
20% chance to create Consecrated Ground on Kill, lasting 3 seconds
增加 20% 元素伤害
当你站在奉献地面时,减免 8% 元素伤害
对中了元素异常状态的敌人增加 120% 爆击率
击杀时 20% 机率创造奉献地面 3 秒
3% additional Block Chance
every 10 seconds,remove Curses and Elemental Status Ailments from you
you and Allies Have 12% increased Attack and Cast Speed While affected
by Auras you Cast
Nearby Party Members have Conduit
增加 3% 格挡率
你的光环增加你和你的对友 12% 攻击与施放速度
+1% to Critical Strike Chance
+40 % to Critical Strike Multiplier against Enemies that are on Full Life
10% chance to gain a Power Charge on Hit against Enemies that are on Full
your Critical Strikes with Attacks Maim Enemies
增加 1% 爆击机率
对满血的敌人增加 40% 爆击伤害
击中满血的敌人 10% 机率获得爆击球
你的爆击使敌人 Maim (查WIKI 是说减少30%移动速度)
30% increased Recovery of Life, Mana and Energy Shield if your've Killed an
Enemy affected by your Damage Over Time Recently
20% more chance to Evade while on full Energy Shield
20% incereased Damage while not on full Energy Shield
100% increased mana regeneration if your've used a Movement Skill Recently
当你以持续伤害击杀敌人,4 秒内增加 30% 生命回复、魔力回复、能量护盾回复
能量护盾全满时 20% 更多机率 闪避(不是躲避?)
能量护盾未满时增加 20% 伤害
20% increased Cooldown Recovery Speed for throwing Traps
20% chance to create a smoke Cloud when you place a mine or throw a Trap
5% increased Damage for each Trap and mine you have
Damage Penetrates 6% Elemental Resistances if you Detonated Mines
减少 20% 投掷陷阱的冷却时间
放置地雷或投掷陷阱时 20% 机率制造一团迷雾
每个陷阱和地雷增加 5% 伤害
引爆地雷后 4 秒增加 6 %元素穿透
50% chance of Projectiles Piercing
20% increased Projectile Speed
Projectiles gain Damage as they travel further, deling up to 30% increased
Damage to targets
Skill fire an additional Projectile
50% 机率增加投射物穿透
增加 20% 投射物速度
投射物根据飞行距离获得最多 30% 伤害
50% increased Flask Charges gained
25% increased Damage during Flask effect
50% chance to avoid Freeze, Shock, Lgnite and Bleed during Flask effect
4% reduced Elemental Damage taken during Flask effact
增加 50% 药水充能
药剂效果持续时增加 25% 伤害
药剂效果持续时 50% 机率避免冰冻、感电、点燃、流血
25% chance to Avoid Elemental Status Ailments
2% chance to Dodge Attacks
10% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill
you have Phasing and Onslaught while on full Frenzy Charges
25% 机率避免元素状态
2% 机率躲避攻击
击杀时 10% 机率获得狂怒球
达到最大狂怒球时,你获得 相位状态(石英药剂) 和猛攻
30% of Block Chance applied to Spells
3% additional Block Chance
15% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit with Attacks
30% incerased Damage if you've killed a Bleeding Enemy Recently
30% 物理格挡套用到法术格挡
增加 3% 格挡
物理攻击击中时 15% 造成流血状态
击杀流血的敌人后 4 秒内增加 30% 伤害
30% increased Damage against Rare and Unique Enemies
10% of OverKill Damage is Leeched as Life
Always Stun Enemies that are on Full Life
15% increased Attack and Cast Speed while Leeching
攻击稀有、传奇的敌人时增加 30% 伤害
10% 溢出伤害转换成生命偷取
偷取时增加 15% 攻击与施法速度
10% chance to Fortify on Melee hit
20% chance to Taunt on Hit
You and nearby Allies have 15% increased damage while you have Fortify
4% reduced Damage taken from Taunted Enemies
近战攻击击中时 10% 机率获得护体
击中时 20% 机率嘲讽敌人
当你有护体时增加你和队友 15% 伤害
减免 4% 来自被嘲讽敌人的伤害
aker0357 (Internet is a monster.)
2016-02-26 14:02:00你是跟我一样赌盘失利来骗P币的吗0.0
tony820708 (freezingkills)
2016-02-26 14:29:00savage hit = 单下超过20%最大血量的伤害Trickster的是闪避没错 就是闪避机率算出来直接*1.2
作者: drakon (南宫熿) 2016-02-26 18:00:00
作者: drakon (南宫熿) 2016-02-26 18:02:00
大概就30%效果选两个 然后外加是金发丰胸翘臀skin
FayeOwO (不是飞,是废)
2016-02-26 19:05:00金发丰胸翘臀就屌打其他进阶职业了(what依照英文的话,Assassin的第三条应该是"击中满血的敌人"?然后Guardian的第二条from打成form了?Deadeye最后一个projectiles多个t刚好把原文看完才挑出,不过除了第一个以外应该不影响啦
作者: x7629 (xxx) 2016-02-26 22:19:00
作者: PTTalan (MorningStar) 2016-02-26 23:20:00
作者: ss609ss 2016-02-26 23:20:00
作者: andrewtwbw 2016-02-26 23:21:00
rock339 (johnny8149)
2016-02-27 00:33:00相位状态跟猛攻效果是什么呢?
作者: drakon (南宫熿) 2016-02-27 01:15:00
相位是可以穿过物体 猛攻是20%攻施跑速
FayeOwO (不是飞,是废)
2016-02-27 14:00:00Raider真的很猛啊