[闲聊] 台版都快出了却没完成的文字地图

楼主: asddsatw (asddsa_tw)   2014-08-05 13:12:00
最初因为在 Submerged Passage 迷路迷两天
但由于中途跑去 玩/回锅 DNF LOL D3 ...等一堆游戏
台版要出了却还没完成 超囧rz
有兴趣可以看一下(中文名称是乱翻译 别太认真)
而且版本很旧 也不知道有没有改过 Orz
●Lioneye's Watch(狮眼牌手表)(传点)
├●The Twilight Strand(推奶海滩)(固定)(1/33/52)
└●The Coast(海滨)(2/33/52)
 ├●The Tidal Island(潮汐岛)(3/36/58)
 └●The Mud Flats(泥巴公寓)(传点)(4/34/52)
  ├●The Fetid Pool(恶臭泳池)(5/39/58)
  └●The Lower Submerged Passage(下层淹水通道)(传点)(5/34/53)
   ├●The Flooded Depths(黑暗深渊)(6/37/58)
   └●The Upper Submerged Passage(上层淹水通道)(6/35/53)
    └●The Ledge(礁岩海岸)(传点)(7/37/53)
     └●The Climb(好汉坡)(传点)(8/37/54)
      └●The Lower Prison(下层监狱)(传点)(9/37/54)
       └●The Upper Prison(上层监狱)(10/37/54)
        └●The Warden's Quarters(典狱长宿舍)(固定)(10/37/54)
         └●The Warden's Chambers(典狱长香闺)(固定)(10/37/54)
          └●Prisoner's Gate(囚犯大门)(传点)(11/38/55)
           └●The Ship Graveyard(鬼船坟场)(传点)(12/38/55)
            ├●The Ship Graveyard Cave(鬼船坟场的通道)(13/39/59)
            └●The Coves(通道)(13/39/55)
             └●The Cavern of Wrath(愤怒洞穴)(传点)(14/39/55)
              └●The Cavern of Anger(怒火洞穴)(15/40/56)
               └●Merveil's Lair(海妖巢穴)(15/40/56)
                 └●The Forest Encampment(森林营地)(传点)
●The Forest Encampment(森林营地)(传点)
├●The Riverways(河道)(16/41/57)
│├●The Blackwood(黑木林)(传点)(18/42/57)
││├●The Weaver's Chambers(纺织者的巢穴)(20/43/58)
│││└●The Weaver's Nest(纺织者的隐匿处)(20/43/58)
││└●The Western Forest(西方森林)(传点)(21/44/58)
│└●The Vaal Ruins Level 1(挖耳遗址)

└●The Old Fields(荒废田野)(16/41/57)
 ├●The Den(巢穴)(大咪咪)(17/42/61)
 └●The Crossroads(十字路口)(传点)(17/42/57)
  ├●The Chamber of Sins Level 1(罪恶议院第一层)(19/43/58)(西北)
  │└●The Chamber of Sins Level 2(罪恶议院第二层)(传点)(20/43/58)
  │ └●The Chamber of Sins Level 3(罪恶议院第三层)(21/44/59)
  ├●The Broken Bridge(断桥)(传点)(21/44/58)(东北)
  └●The Fellshrine Ruins(堕落神社遗址)(18/42/59)(东南)
   └●The Chamber of Sins Level 1(罪恶议院第一层)(19/43/58)
    └●The Crypt Level 1(地穴第一层)(传点)(21/43/60)
     └●The Crypt Level 2(地穴第二层)(22/44/61)
The Nice Boat(鲜血的结末)
 → 选角创名设联盟
The Twilight Strand(木瓜海滩)(固定)(1/33/52)
 → 捡垃圾打死活死人(任务:Dying Exile)
 → 杀死 Hillock(任务:Enemy at the Gate)
Lioneye's Watch(狮眼牌手表)(传点)
 → 嘴砲一轮拿 Enemy at the Gate 的奖赏
 → (Tarkleigh -> Hillock Reward)
The Coast(海滨)(2/33/52)
 → The Tidal Island(潮汐岛)(3/36/58)
 → 杀 Hailrake 捡 Medicine Chest(任务:Mercy Mission)
 → (Nessa -> Medicine Chest Reward)
 → (Bestel -> Medicine Chest Reward)
The Coast(海滨)(2/33/52)
The Mud Flats(泥巴公寓)(传点)(4/34/52)
 → 三鸡巢捡 Glyph 塞到 Strange Glyph Wall(任务:Breaking Some Eggs)
 → (Tarkleigh -> Glyph Chest Reward)
  → The Fetid Pool(恶臭泳池)(5/39/58)
  → 杀光所有敌人(任务:A Dirty Job)(致敬)
The Lower Submerged Passage(下层淹水通道)(传点)(5/34/53)
 → The Flooded Depths(黑暗深渊)(6/37/58) 杀螃蟹 The Deep Dweller
 → (任务:The Flooded Depths)
 → (Tarkleigh -> Dweller Reward)
The Lower Submerged Passage(下层淹水通道)(传点)(5/34/53)
The Upper Submerged Passage(上层淹水通道)(6/35/53)
The Ledge(礁岩海岸)(传点)(7/37/53)
The Climb(好汉坡)(传点)(8/37/54)
The Lower Prison(下层监狱)(传点)(9/37/54)
 → The Upper Prison(上层监狱)(10/37/54)
 → The Warden's Chambers(典狱长香闺)(固定)
 → The Warden's Quarters(典狱长宿舍)(固定)
 → 杀掉 Brutus, Lord Incarcerator(任务:The Caged Brute)
 → (Tarkleigh -> Brutus Reward)
Prisoner's Gate(囚犯大门)(传点)(11/38/55)
The Ship Graveyard(船之坟场)(传点)(12/38/55)
 → 跟 Captain Fairgraves 讲话
 → The Ship Graveyard Cave(鬼船坟场的通道)(13/39/59)
 → 杀掉 王 (任务:The Siren's Cadence)
 → 戳 Slave Girl 捡 Allflame (任务:The Marooned Mariner)
The Ship Graveyard(船之坟场)(传点)(12/38/55)
 → 跟 Captain Fairgraves 讲话后打爆他 (任务:The Marooned Mariner)
 → The Coves(通道)(13/39/55)
The Cavern of Wrath(愤怒洞穴)(传点)(14/39/55)
 → The Cavern of Anger(怒火洞穴)(15/40/56)
 → Merveil's Lair(海妖巢穴)
 → 杀掉 王
=== ACT 2 ===
The Southern Forest(南方森林)(传点)(15/40/57)
The Forest Encampment(森林营地)(传点)
The Old Fields(荒废田野)(16/41/57)
 → The Den(巢穴)(大咪咪)(17/42/61)
 → 杀 The Great White Beast (任务:The Great White Beast)
The Crossroads(十字路口)(传点)(17/42/57)
 → The Chamber of Sins Level 1(罪恶议院第一层)(19/43/58)(西北)(左上)
  → The Chamber of Sins Level 2(罪恶议院第二层)(传点)(20/43/58)(楼梯向下)
   → The Chamber of Sins Level 3(罪恶议院第三层)(21/44/59)(楼梯向下)
   → 杀王点车捡石救低领露沟妹(任务:Intruders in Black)
   → (杀Fidelitas 点Strange Device 捡Baleful Gem 救Helena )
 └●The Crossroads(十字路口)(传点)(17/42/57)
  ├●The Chamber of Sins Level 1(罪恶议院第一层)(19/43/58)(西北)
  │└●The Chamber of Sins Level 2(罪恶议院第二层)(传点)(20/43/58)
  │ └●The Chamber of Sins Level 3(罪恶议院第三层)(21/44/59)
  ├●The Broken Bridge(断桥)(传点)(21/44/58)(东北)
  └●The Fellshrine Ruins(堕落神社遗址)(18/42/59)(东南)
   └●The Chamber of Sins Level 1(罪恶议院第一层)(19/43/58)
    └●The Crypt Level 1(地穴第一层)(传点)(21/43/60)
     └●The Crypt Level 2(地穴第二层)(22/44/61)
The Forest Encampment(森林营地)(传点)
 → The Riverways(河道)(16/41/57)
 → The Blackwood(黑木林)(传点)(18/42/57)
 → The Weaver's Chambers(纺织者的巢穴)(20/43/58)
 → The Weaver's Nest(纺织者的隐匿处)(20/43/58)
 → 杀 The Weaver (任务:Sharp and Cruel)
 → The Western Forest(西方森林)(传点)(21/44/58)
 → 杀 Captain Arteri 拿钥匙开门 (任务:The Way Forward)
作者: h2030625 (雙重人格)   2014-08-05 13:43:00
作者: Nick9090 (Nick)   2014-08-05 14:03:00
作者: longlyeagle (长鹰宝宝实验室)   2014-08-05 14:15:00
作者: itsmyspirit (努力过生活)   2014-08-05 14:18:00
作者: gogowow   2014-08-05 14:32:00
老手当然没差 但你确定新手用不到?
作者: gilerby (gilerby)   2014-08-05 14:53:00
作者: d84898631 (Phoe)   2014-08-05 15:24:00
作者: aa6300158   2014-08-05 15:42:00
作者: asyan ( )   2014-08-05 18:26:00
不错阿 希望能变全中文
作者: tztbrian (围墙)   2014-08-06 01:02:00
作者: janewaygem (失望꘩
对第一次玩得很有用 0.0b

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