LiouKen (小龟)
2015-12-11 09:26:59https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/hotfix-1-14-3-checksum-f611.894642/
- Rewrote monarch leader code in a fashion that should prevent any further
crashes from this.
- Fixed crash when selecting a second save game in start menu.
- Fixed getting double AE when feeding vassals provinces in peace deals.
- Fixed triggers for province group/superregion (for real this time)
- Random New World provinces will now always have a native type (lacking this
prevented them from having native uprisings)
- Fixed: Local iromman saves weren't being backed up
- Fixed CTD for NULL controller area in GetEffectiveDistance.
- Fixed: Explorers stopped exploring and unable to use them
- Fixed CTD when AI adds estates in a country that can't have them.
- Blocked adding provinces to estates of country that don't exist in country.
原来2倍AE是bug XD