# Usermodding
# Console
- Added epicfail cheat to provoke immediate spy discovery.
- Support for revolutionary flag texture/colors in country files.
# Effects
- Added effects add_doom and release_all_subjects.
- Added claim (legitimacy) to define_ruler effect, similar to claim for
- Added a "add_disaster_modifier = { name = key disaster = disaster_key
duration = x }" effect.
- Now possible to save event targets inside hidden_effect blocks
- Effect add_prestige now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect add_legitimacy now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect add_core now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect remove_core now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect add_claim now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect remove_claim now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect discover_country now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect discover_province now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect undiscover_country now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect undiscover_province now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect to add unit now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect define_ruler now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect define heir now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect form_coalition_against now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect change_primary_culture now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect add_accepted_culture now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect remove_accepted_culture now takes all scopes and saved event target
- Effect change_culture now takes all scopes and saved event target
# Misc
- Can now set religions to allow declaring war through regency.
- Added modifier global_tax_income that grants tax income on a national level
# Triggers
- Added country-scope triggers has_hostile_reformation_center &
- Added trigger has_doom.
- Added trigger is_variable_equal
- Added trigger has_reformed_religion = yes
- Added trigger num_of_ports_blockading = <int>
- Added is_playing_historical_setup = <yes/no> as a condition that can be
entered at root level, to add the same trigger to all following events in the
# Script
# Buildings
- Royal Palace is now +0.5 legitimacy (up from 0.1)
# Decisions
- Added decision to form the Polish Nation.
- Ruthenia can now be formed even if Russia exists.
- Forming Manchu no longer changes you out of Horde government/tech.
- Forming Qing now changes you out of Horde government/tech.
- Restore Byzantine Empire now gives claims instead of cores, similar to most
other country formation decisions.
重建拜占庭帝国这个决议现在只给 Claim 而非以往的核心
- reestablish_the_theme_system and make_constantinople_capital will now only
increase the base tax and manpower of Constantinople if the other decision
didn't do so already.
- The Kiel Canal is now cheaper than other canals, and will trigger fewer bad
events during construction.
- Canals can now also be built if a subject of yours owns the provinces
- Added decision to reform the League of Mayapan (ie change into the Maya
- Added decision to form Australia.
- Reforming the Byzantine Empire now also requires Biga and Epiros.
重建拜占庭现在要求额外 Biga、Epiros 两个省份
# Events
- Fixed EUIV - AoW - Database - Reservatum Ecclesiasticum (tyw_event.1) does
not check for Westphalia Peace to see if it should trigger. Added trigger
"hre_religion_treaty = no".
- Changed event war_of_the_roses.10 from country_event to province_event as
triggers and effects indicated that this is a province event.
- Nobles Demand Recompensation is less lethal now, and is less likely to
happen if the noble loyalty act is active.
- Rise of the Tiger (Flavor Event 6 for Bengal) no longer reduces legitimacy
and will now notify the player that changing dynasty using the event will
result in low legitimacy.
孟加拉之虎: 此决议不再降低正统度,但会有额外提示
- Persian Shiism Event now won't trigger if Persia is a subject.
- Manchu events The Appointment of Heshen and The Expulsion of the Jesuits
now no longer requires you to own the island of Ternate.
- Chinese flavor events now updated to take Qing into account.
- Flavor Event 6, Sindicat Remenca, for Aragon is now more lenient.
亚拉冈特殊事件Sindicat Remenca的触发判定,将会更宽松
- Counter Reformation now triggers a bit later.
- All catholics can now get the events for ceding Malta to the Knights, and
not just Spain.
不只西班牙,所有天主教国都将得到事件: 马耳他骑士团
- Rebalanced the Turkish DHEs according to the new design vision. Each DHE
should always happen if triggers are true in a game, and all options should
be viable to pick.
- Rebalanced the Portugese DHEs according to the new design vision. Each DHE
should always happen if triggers are true in a game, and all options should
be viable to pick.
- Rebalanced the Spanish DHEs according to the new design vision. Each DHE
should always happen if triggers are true in a game, and all options should
be viable to pick.
- Rebalanced the Swedish DHEs according to the new design vision. Each DHE
should always happen if triggers are true in a game, and all options should
be viable to pick.
# Ideas
- Malayan Ideas renamed to Malayan Sultanate Ideas to avoid ambiguity about
who gets them.
- Added National Ideas for Candar.
- Added Vindhyan Ideas (Bundelkhand, Bagelkhand, Gwalior)
- Added Brazilian Ideas, forming Brazil will now give Brazilian Ideas.
- Added Kurdish Ideas
- Added Carib Ideas.
- Added Ideas for Benin.
- Added ideas for Bremen.
- Added ideas for Holstein.
- Added national ideas for Wurzburg.
- Added national ideas for Ceylon.
- Changed order of Norwegian national ideas.
# Misc
- Rulers of Pagan Theocracies are now High Priests, not Arch-Bishops.
- New flags added for Utrecht and Friesland.
Utrecht、Friesland 获得新的国家旗帜
- Fixed one of the fields of the Spanish flag being inverted.
- The province modifier for the Schwaz Silver Mine is now permanent.
# Missions
- Fixed EUIV - AoW - Database - "Securing the Imperial Border" mission for
Austria should only show up if Burgundy is not a Rival.
- Province 1898 (Tonie Sap Lake) now properly named Tonlé Sap Lake.
- claim_on_rival mission will now no longer abort due to a regency.
在regency期间 claim_on_rival 不会直接判定失败
- Mughal/Timurid Conquest missions will now no longer be available against
- Mughal mission "Defend the Frontier" now adapted to the new map.
# Policies
- Black Chamber Act now gives -0.05 global autonomy reduction instead of -10%
AE Impact.
间谍、扩张理念的政策修改,-10% AE的部分改为 -0.05每个月自治度
- Dissolution Act now gives -0.05 global autonomy reduction and +10% tax
instead of -20% AE Impact.
外交、经济理念的政策修改,-20% AE的部分改为 -0.05每个月自治度 & +10% 税收
# Setup
- Provinces 111 - Friuli, 1769 - Görz and 1774 - Treviso are now AQU cores
from 1444 start.
威尼斯、奥皇的Friuli、Görz 现在1444年就有Aquileia的核心标记
- Kurland is no longer the primary tag for Old Prussian culture.
Kurland 不再属与老普鲁士文化
Kurland 不再是以老普鲁士文化为国家主体
- Added Important Natural Harbor modifier that replaces Coastal CoTs in
provinces that start uncolonized in 1444.
- Added Important Natural Harbors in Manila, Eora, Picunmapu, Cartagena,
Panama, Tlapanec, Havana, Barahonas and Massachusetts.
1444年开局未殖民的荒地,以 "重要天然港" 的标记取代 "海岸贸易中心"
以下为相关省份: 马尼拉、雪梨、Picunmapu(智利)、迦太基港(哥伦比亚)、
- Added Inland Centre of trades in Hochelaga, Pueblo, Potawatomi, Honniasont,
Tamaroa, Winnipeg, Asuncion, Manaus, Bohemia, Borno, Gao, Chengdu, Girin,
Nihny Novgorod and Köln.
相关省份: Hochelaga(加拿大蒙特娄), Pueblo(美国加州), Potawatomi(五大湖),
Winnipeg(加拿大),Asuncion(巴拉圭), Manaus(亚马逊),
波西米亚, Borno(尼日利亚), Gao(马利), 成都, 吉林,
下诺夫哥罗德, 科隆.
- Added Estuaries in Chinook, Lenape, Chesapeake, Santee, Guayaquil, Cayor,
Quelimane, Pegu/Pathein, Alagoas and Hai Phong.
相关省份: Chinook(美西), Lenape, Chesapeake, Santee (三个都在美东海岸)
Guayaquil(厄瓜多尔), Cayor(西非海岸), Quelimane(莫桑比克),
Pegu/Pathein(缅甸), Alagoas(巴西东岸), Hai Phong(北越)
- Mangaeza now gets an estuary instead of a Centre of Trade.
将Mangaeza (西伯利亚中心) 改为河口贸易点
- Ganges Estuary now broken into 2 less powerful modifiers (one in Dhaka and
one in Bengal Delta).
- Irrawady Estuary broken into 2 less powerful modifiers (one in Pegu and one
in Pathein).
- Kanem Bornu now starts with Kanuri primary culture.
- Provinces in Central America up to southern Yucatan are now considered
- Provinces Banten and Buton now produce Spices.
印尼的万丹、布顿岛 现在固定为生产香料
- Split Catalan into Catalan and Aragonese Culture.
将加太隆尼亚区分为两种文化: 亚拉冈、加太隆尼亚
- Added new names for monarchs and advisors for Alodia.
Alodia (努比亚三国最南端) 增加新的君王、顾问名称
- Muisca now have starting maps of a slightly larger area.
Muisca (哥伦比亚) 起始区域增加
- Added a few more leader names for Muisca, removed Zipa and Zaque as
potential leader names.
- Added Carib Tag.
- Province 874 - Salish now has Salish culture.
Salish (西雅图) 有自己的文化,不必与Shoshone共用
- Provinces Pampas, Wukari, Xhosa, Natal, Matsolo, Inhambane, Boina and Yola,
now all start with 1 manpower instead of 0.
修正部分省份起始人力 (0=>1)
- Added Modifier for the Great Silver Mine of Potosí
- Changed the trade goods for some central central american provinces (mainly
added more gold)
- France, Portugal and England no longer start with far more leaders than
their cap in 1444.
- Added Jewish Religion.
- Added Norse Religion.
- Johor and Perak now have starting cores in 1444.
- Added Nuremberg Tag.
- Added Ichma Tag.
加入 Ichma (祕鲁) 标志
- Added León Tag.
- Added Leonese Culture.
- Ingil and Yedisan are now part of the Crimea Trade node, making the Kiev
node truly inland.
将 Ingil、Yedisan 两省分去克里米亚贸易区,让基辅结点完全内陆化
- Added female, male and dynasty names for each culture.
- Removed the Guyana colonial region, as it was much smaller than all other
regions, and moved their provinces to Colombia and Brazil.
- There are now fewer Green countries in the Middle East.
- Updated the flag and ruler lists for Canada.
- Yao now produces Grain.
Yao (中非) 现在产谷物
- Moved Cyprus to the Aleppo tradenode.
将塞浦路斯改分到 Aleppo 贸易结点
- Removed Byzantine Cores on Chios, Naxos, Trebizond and Corfu to try and
keep it from constantly popping up again after annexation.
- Added Province Modifier for the Oracle of Pachacamac.
中南美某省增加 "世界起源之地" Buff
# Bugfixes
- Fixed immediate at start hotjoin OOS.
- Fixed a bug where saving and loading after winning a League War could
result in two Protestant Leagues existing simultaneously.
- You no longer get all your AE removed when making a peace offer that was
supposed to remove a very small amount of AE.
- AE gained for demanded vassalization now can't get higher than base value
unmodified by distance, and AE drop off is centered on vassal capital.
- You can't revoke a march while march is at war anymore.
- Colonial subjects taken over by annexation will now get their new
overlord's map color instead of retaining their old overlord's color.
- New command line option -localoos that enables OOS checks every game frame
(comparing previous and after frame checksums), indicating if gamestate has
been modified when it shouldn't.
- New command line option -commandoos that emits a post-command checksum in
executedcommands.log, indicating if a command caused OOS.
- Fixed Database - Reduce the MTTH of cultural_event.3 and flavor_gra.1
- If a disaster is ended by rebels enforcing demands it now also clears flags
and modifiers associated with that disaster.
- Battle position for the province of Chiquitos is now inside the province.
- Fixed missing spaces in the country file of Garhwal that would make some
monarch names display with #0 at the end.
- Cacique is no longer a possible leader name for the Tupi tags.
- The decision to form Bukhara now properly checks that Bukhara doesn't exist
- The game will no longer list autonomy increases for provinces where
autonomy can not grow above 0.
- Supply range is now properly updated when exploring prior to having Quest
of the New World.
- Repair speed is now properly displayed, and not always at 0.
- Protectorates now increase naval range as suggested by request fleet basing
rights tooltip.
- Fixed bug in actual monthly manpower change differing from displayed.
- Revolution target clears properly when annexed, thus also restoring flag.
- Center of Reformation placement within a country is now actually random,
and not fake-random.
- If a disaster is ended by rebels enforcing demands it now also clears flags
and modifiers associated with that disaster.
- Disaster progress now stays, even if it does not progress, unless it
fulfills a can_stop trigger.
- Revolution target now properly carries over on tag change, such as when
forming a nation.
- It's now possible to expand existing client states even when you have
reached the max number of client states.
- Can no longer kill transported units by leaving Create New Unit window open
prior to boarding and reassigning transports afterwards.
- The ruler name for a new client state is chosen from culture rather than
dynasty, making rulers with the same name (and numerals) much less probable.
- Countries created via event through the cede_province effect (going from 0
provinces) inherit the previous province owner's tech level.
- Can no longer merge units of different countries (preventing a sell ships
- Discoveries are properly cleared when loading a different save.
- Trigger sieged_by now works when using rebel_type as argument
- Leaders are properly cleared from history database, meaning they will not
overwrite leaders in your savegame (no more randomly substituted leaders).
- Fixed EUIV - Text - Event 885 (Colonial Discovery!) references New World,
but can fire for any colony
- Fixed Castile always overextended in later starts.
- Fixed Database - Error in trigger The Heretic Kin
- Fixed EUIV - ED - Text - Privateering message title is too long and gets
- Armies are exiled during daily tick if not having access at their current
location (solving hard edge cases of armies getting stuck).
- Election lost opinion modifier will actually decay properly (max and min
had been inverted).
- Fixed spawn_rebels event effect's historical leader name being ignored.
- Effect change_technology_group no longer crash from faulty argument
- Effect change_technology_group now takes all scopes as right-side arguments
- Effect change_primary_culture now takes all scopes as right-side arguments
- Fixed EUIV - Event - Event to change Netherland governement type should
probably have an option to keep current government.
- Fixed EU4 - Event - USA DLC event usa_dlc.EVTOPTA46 creates coalition
against yourself
- Fixed EUIV - Event - Influenza can happen in the new world prior to
Europeans arriving
- Fixed EU4 - AoW - Text - Tooltip for build all mercenaries
- Influenza (random_event.23) now no longer triggers for primitive nations
(without ships).
- Laws of Burgos (flavor_spa.1001) and New Laws (flavor_spa.1002) no longer
gives one global modifier to tariff efficiency per province, potentially
resulting in a huge loss of tariff efficiency for Spain.
- Rewa Kantha is no longer part of the Indian Trade port and East Asian Trade
Port regions despite not being a port.
- Fixed Inconsistency in "The Horrible Plague in Lithuania"-event for Poland
and Lithuania.
- Fixed EUIV - ED - Gameplay - Primitives should not be able to get mission
"Create a Proper Fleet" when not able to build ships
- Fixed EUIV - Text - Custom Nations - Hindusthani culture group typo
- Fixed Localization - Jewish Archbishop
- Trade companies and merchants are properly transferred on tag change (form
- Consolidate button only enabled if consolidation will actually yield any
- colony_claim trigger should now consider papal grants, e.g. causing
colonial war CBs for the same.
- Freethinking Leads Away From God (ideagroups.1908) now won't change
European Christian provinces to Coptic religion.
- Colonize X missions will now no longer trigger for primitives.
- Options for flavor_rus.1011, Grand Embassy Arrives in CAPITAL, are now less
- Colonial nations will be renamed if they carry a default name when their
overlord changes tag (forms new nation).
- Fixed an exploit where you could move units quickly by reorganizing them
into a farther moved army.
- French missions to retake their lands from England will now also work if
England has turned into Great Britain.
- English missions to conquer Aquitaine and Normandy now won't be available
as long as you have a truce or alliance with France.
- Fixed part of collected typos in event files (.txt), from Plaza
and 'la Pléiade'
- Modifiers related to the sickness (event 722) of your monarch are now not
only positive.
- Fixed Spelling Error Circassia
- Fixed [1.9.2] Chahar and Khorchin, two tags, one primary culture, ONE
COLOR. (http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/...ture-ONE-COLOR.)
- Tabarestan will no longer use the name lists of Circassia.
- Gazikumukh will no longer use the same names for leader last names and
first names.
- Fixed some National Idea sets using province_trade_power_modifier instead
of global_prov_trade_power_modifier
- Fixed Education of Heir event shouldn't fire for Hordes.
- Ottoman flavor event flavor_tur.3750, Fate of the patriarchate, will now
only happen if the Ottomans are Muslim.
- The map color of Zhungar is now less similar to Russia.
- Fixed missing capitalization in the "Protestantism Entrenched" event.
- Fixed "Naval Research Wrong!" event can be triggered in nations without
- Fixed Hjälmaren is covered by Mälaren
- Fixed Eu4 - AoW - Text - "Faction TakeOver" doesn't take plurals into
- Fixed EUIV - database - Khorchin and Chahar have the same primary_culture
and colour
- Fixed CTD if auto-transporting no longer existing army.
- Fixed EUIV - database - Portuguese missions give claims on allies, which is
likely to turn relations sour
- Fixed EUIV - ED - Event - "Educate heir" event has continuous "if" codes,
resulting in all three cases coming true.
- Retreating armies don't use auto-transport anymore.
- Fixed EUIV - Event - Genroku-era culture (Japan) only requires 100 ducats
- Land and Naval attrition modifiers are now sanity checked so you can't have
-100% attrition.
- Country ruler_flags now loaded properly (it was loading flags instead).
- War reparations properly included in monthly change calculated in top bar
gold tooltip.
- Fixed infinite war reparations after annexation.
- Correct icon shown on peace offer alert for warleader offers and separate
- Fixed ironman crash related to FoW calculations.
- War reparations properly transferred on tag change (form nation).
- Your tradepower transfers from a nation is no longer cancelled because a
3rd party forces them to cancel beneficial treaties.
- Observer will no longer enter coop mode if he was viewing a tag change
(formed nation).
- Fixed an odd bug where whole map would be TI for observer at start.
- Description for the Kilwa Chronicle Modifier will now show up in the game.
- Corrected missing " in several Chinese country files.
- Province 543 is now named Velanadu in all four game languages (instead of
Kosta which is also the name of province 2083).
- flavor_vij.15, Revolt of Chellappa will now remove the Tamil Grandee
modifier when it triggers.
- Siberian Clans now use Asian unit gfx.
- 'Die Please Die' can no longer trigger while in a regency.
- Removed duplicated part of colonial mapmode province tooltip.
- Workaround for font height calculation bug in engine that made peace offer
description sometimes get truncated.
- Claims are cleaned up from old tag when changing tags (e.g. when forming a
- Clicking rebel shield in province view now opens correct rebel faction in
stability view.
- Minor fix to economic mapmode icon tooltip.
- Fixed infinite loop in auto transport.
- Refactored unit splitting logic to make it more maintainable and solve
issues such as a 1/1/1 army not wanting to split into two.
- Pasted multiline text in chat box will not freeze game.
- Troops on the emperor's land not having access after the emperor leaves war
will now be exiled rather than get stuck.
- Added anti-save corruption check against regiments being in navies and
ships being in armies.
- You can no longer give away provinces of an already peaced ally just
because you had negotiation window open.
- Cancelling constructions in released nations to prevent
resource-transferring exploits.
- Opening and then closing macro builder fast does no longer leave map in
macro mode.
- Fixed white peace truces taking far longer than 5 years.
- Fixed OOS resulting from use of deleted power projection modifier.
- Countries with zero provinces can no longer be part of war declarations
(for whatever reason it happened and caused CTD).
- Randomlog is synchronized at game start with host.
- Fixed EUIV - AoW - Localisation - Event "counts_feud.100" has bad
localisation linking for button
- Fixed EUIV - AoW - Localisation - Event "civil_war.4" doesn't write out
province names - changed it to a province event and changed triggers and
effects to work in province scope.
- Fixed Database - 2 provinces have same capital. Changed the capital of
province 462 - Mingrelia to "Zugdidi" and the capital of province 422
-Imereti to "Kutaisi".
- Fixed aow_events.32 (Neither [Religion] nor Catholic) doesn't check if
country is not Catholic. Added trigger OR = { religion = protestant religion
= reformed }.
- Fixed Events about heirs that don't check for heir's age. Added "heir_age =
4" to event 9453 and removed "son" from option EVTOPTB9453: "They are merely
crying, son."
- Fixed a bug where potential disasters would linger in the interface even
after they stopped being able to happen.
- Fixed Database - Error in trigger of mission Mocha (removed owns = 386 as
it also contained NOT = { owns = 386 }.
- Fixed WotR changes unrest in non English provinces (added "owned_by = ENG"
to every_neighbor_province in events war_of_the_roses.3 and
- Fixed Dynastic events 9457 and 9490 don't check for regency when they
should (Added "has_regency = no" to the two events' triggers.).
- Fixed Events that address ruler as "father" when heir can also be a brother
or ruler a mother (9488: Removed "father" from localisation. 9452: Changed
"Father" to "$MONARCH$" in localisation.).
- Fixed Database - Wrong adjective for rebels from Tyrol [AoW]
(Changed from "Tyrolian" to "Tyrolean".).
- Fixed Hindu decisions haridasa_movement and advaita_movement don't show
that only one can be taken (advaita_movement allow now contains: NOT = {
has_country_modifier = the_haridasa_movement } and haridasa_movement allow
now contains: NOT = { has_country_modifier = the_advaita_movement })
- Fixed Soirée (9455) has options written for male ruler, but doesn't
include a trigger to be limited to males (Added a trigger - is_female = no -
to EVTOPTA9455 and a new option with the same effects as EVTOPTA9455 but with
"Good evening, My Lord!" instead of "Good evening, My Lady!")
- Fixed Turkish Ruler Names.
- Fixed Database - Inconsistency in lake names.
- Fixed Database - Missing estuaries.
- Fixed Database - Missing annex mission for DUL and RAM.
- Fixed EUIV - AoW - Gameplay - "Revolt!" event (5005) option 2 does not
reduce the amount of unrest unless "Base Unrest" is higher than 0.
- Fixed flavor_bur.3 not giving the Burgundian capital to France.
- A military alliance is cancelled immediately on an accepted vassalization
offer, not giving a negative opinion modifier.
- Culture conversion will no longer be blocked due to the primary nation of
that culture existing if said primary nation has a different culture.
- Fixed bug with unit stack sizes set to 1 instead of 1000 in Ironman saves.
- Save name box now gets focus when opening Ironman save select window.
- Fixed flawed tooltip on merge unit button when merging is unavailable due
to Automatic Transport Mission.
- Diplomats will no longer get stuck if you migrate while they are travelling
- Annexation: Ships owned by the target country are now removed if the
annexing country don't have the technology to build them.
- Fixed crash in main menu upon unlocking computer. (This happened if you had
resigned to menu after viewing a combat result window.)
- Subsiding a rival's enemy no longer adds to power projection if the rival's
enemy is your subject.
- Ships will get names suffixed by Roman numerals rather than broken (and
possibly erroneously localized) prefixed ordinals.
- Construction bar for units no longer turns invisible after a finished
construction with more in queue, and cancel button now disappears after
finishing queue.
- Quickfixed outside revolt button "Handle them!" text in French by removing
exclamation mark.
- Added tooltip explanations for blockade reasons and changed so that you
can't detach blockades when there's no ongoing blockade.
- Fixed bug where automatic transportation using one ship could cause game to
- Fixed bug where army on auto transport mission would board the wrong ship.
- Liberated territories no longer shown in demand window (since selecting
demand option had no effect), clarified tooltip.
- Selling fleet that disappeared while diplomat was traveling no longer
- Religious rebels actually spawning because they locate correct unit type
(code was using outdated function).
- MP: Client states now have the same country and flag colors on different
- Flags on map in client state provinces now how the correct color.
- Fixed missing local autonomy mapmode icon (and made code/file naming
- Fixed non-republics using the opinion modifier for republics.
- Privateers with "Go home at war" enabled will no longer give PP for pirated
rivals at war w/ privateers' country.
- Explorers/admirals now can't be reassigned while at sea.
- Subscribing and unsubscribing mods (or viewing an unsubscribed mod) in
Steam workshop will not cause a crash.
- Game will not notify you about already owned DLCs that happen to be
- Spanish Inquisition tutorial chapter had arrow pointing at wrong location
for boost stability; corrected.
- Send gift opinion calculation has been simplified to solve problem with
negative diplomatic reputation.
- Fixed EU4 - ED - Gameplay - Aztecs start with 76% overextension in 1508 and
- Fixed a bug where naval attrition would be twice the amount of displayed on
the fleet
- Coalition wars no longer give 100% warscore just from occupying warleader
- Disabled autotransport in tutorial