相较 Radeon Vega Frontier Edition,大家更想见到 Radeon Vega。
游戏市场可能对 Vega 架构显示卡相当期待,但这款产品到底何时登场,已经成了一个谜。
虽然 AMD Radeon Vega 与 Radeon Vega Frontier Edition 同属于 Vega 架构 GPU,但
实质上两者面向不同层面的应用。以 Radeon Vega 而言,它属于游戏用显示卡,在显示
卡的 BIOS 与 PCB 线路设计(或许有,也或许没有)部分就会与针对专业应用的 Radeon
Vega Frontier Edition 有些许不同。
16GB HBM2 内存的 Radeon Vega Frontier Edition 公布后,引起了一些声浪,这主要
是何以游戏卡仍未登场所致。Raja Koduri 在 Reddit 与用户讨论时,进一步透露了更多
Radeon Vega 的讯息。
We’ll be showing Radeon RX Vega off at Computex, but it won’t be on store sh
elves that week. We know how eager you are to get your hands on Radeon RX Vega
, and we’re working extremely hard to bring you a graphics card that you’ll
be incredibly proud to own. Developing products with billions of transistors a
nd forward-thinking architecture is extremely difficult — but extremely rewar
ding — work. And some of Vega’s features, like our High Bandwidth Cache Cont
roller, HBM2, Rapid-Packed Math, or the
new geometry pipeline, have the potential to really break new ground and funda
mentally improve game development. These aren’t things that can be mastered o
vernight. It takes time for developers to adapt and adopt new techniques that
make your gaming experience better than ever. We believe those experiences are
worth waiting for and shouldn’t be rushed out the door. We’re working as ha
rd as we can to bring you Radeon RX Vega.
On HBM2, we’re effectively putting a technology that’s been limited to super
expensive, out-of-reach GPUs into a consumer product. Right now only insanely
priced graphics cards from our competitors that aren’t within reach of any g
amer or consumer make use of it. We want to bring all of that goodness to you.
And that’s not easy! It’s not like you can run down to the corner store to
get HBM2. The good news is that unlike HBM1, HBM2 is offered from multiple mem
ory vendors – including Samsung and
Hynix – and production is ramping to meet the level of demand that we believe
Radeon Vega products will see in the market.
不需担心太多,因为 AMD 确定会在 Computex 2017 公布 Vega 架构与 HBM2 内存的 R
adeon Vega 显示卡;Radeon Vega Frontier Edition 规格如下:
– 64 Compute Units
– ~ 13 TFLOPS Single precision compute performance(FP32)
– ~ 25 TFLOPS Half precision compute performance(FP16)
– ~ 90 Gpixels/s Pixel Fillrate
– ~ 480 GB/s Memory bandwidth
就我们知道的,目前 Vega 架构 GPU 确实拥有 3 颗芯片,而它们分别是 C0(XTX)、C1
(XT)以及 C3(XL),但确切的 Codename 目前并未掌握,但可以确定的是,Radeon Ve
ga 初期将只会提供公版样式。
至于想知道更多硬件规格、售价与上市资讯,现阶段只有等待 AMD 在 Computex 2017 的
全球记者会,也就是 2017 年 5 月 31 日早上 10 点。
At COMPUTEX 2017, AMD would like to invite you to our press conference, starti
ng at 10 a.m., May 31st at The Westin Taipei, to hear AMD President and CEO, D
r. Lisa Su, and other senior AMD business leaders, share information on the la
test set of high-performance AMD products and technologies for PCs, immersive
devices and datacenters.
The past year has seen AMD bring innovation and competition back to the high-p
erformance desktop market with the release of Ryzen™ processors, as well as f
urther strengthening its consumer and professional graphics offerings, with th
e introduction of the Radeon™ RX 500 series GPUs, designed to enable optimal
experiences in modern games and smooth VR experienced. With so much more plann
ed for 2017, we look forward to sharing new details concerning the AMD line-up
of 2017 world-class products, designed
to deliver immersive experiences and high performance innovation, as well as t
he ecosystems, both OEM and channel, that will support them.
Thought I would recap the information that has been confirmed during the RTG V
ega Frontier AMA today.
Main goal of Vega was to create an architecture that can handle large data set
s and game at 4K at 60fps.
The demo during Financial Analyst day was an air-cooled Frontier Edition, not
an RX Vega card. There will be water cooled versions of Vega that will run sli
ghtly faster.
Frontier uses 2 x 8GB stacks of HBM2.
Both HBM1 and HBM2 provide plenty of bandwidth.
Raja will look into OC'ing HBM2 and a 16GB RX card.
RX Vega will be shown at Computex. It will not be available the same week but
nothing else has been ruled out.
Frontier runs comfortably using 1x6-pin and 1x8-pin but RTG put 2x8-pin on the
production card for more headroom.
Raja is keeping his beard until Vega launches.
Infinity fabric allows for the joining of multiple engines on a single die, an
d offers high bandwidth and low latency. There has been no mention of using In
finity fabric with multiple GPUs.
Frontier was designed for an array of workload usages., RX Vega is for gaming
and will be faster than Frontier.
Vega will support Tensorflow, Cafe2, Cafe, Torch7 and MxNet via MIOpen.
Pro versions support hardware virtualization. He did not state out right if th
is included Frontier/Vega or or not.
The High Bandwidth Cache Controller (HBCC) helps increase minimum framerates a
nd can improve performance even more if it's specifically coded for.
Developing drivers for GPUs is really hard.
Raja expects to grow ROCm to improve machine learning and compute. Another ROC
m comment.
Raja replies to a comment regarding particle physics simulation, saying this w
ill be improved via the new cache and infinity fabric.
New geometry pipeline in Vega improves throughput per clock cycle and will req
uire no extra work on dev's part to utilize.
Radeon Vega Frontier will be the fastest single GPU solution for compute.
Radeon Instinct will provide dramatically better performance per dollar compar
ed to the competition
RX will have different drivers than Frontier that are optimized for gaming as
well as additional goodies.
Vega is the first GPU architecture to use Infinity Fabric and is in no way a r
e-hash of Polaris
Radeon Chill will continue to be improved and will be updated soon.
5.vega主要目标是在4k 60 fps运行游戏及large data
6.Financial Analyst day展示的是空冷Frontier edition,不是Rx Vega card,将会有水
7.Vega是首个集成Infinity Fabric的GPU。可以在同一块芯片上放入多个不同引擎,还带来了低延迟高带宽互连,可以把不同IP(以及友商IP)高效地放在一起。
9.Radeon Vega Frontier(Vega FE)在计算方面将会是最强单卡。
10.如果你主要想玩游戏,还是建议等一等,后面会有更低价且游戏优化更好的Radeon RX Vega显卡。