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作者: abc2090614 (casperxdd) 看板: VR
标题: [闲聊] Oculus Rift 亚马逊上买的比preorder还快
时间: Mon Apr 25 21:21:04 2016
美国灿坤 Best Buy 跟亚马逊 Amazon
已经同时都有 Oculus Rift + 桌机的同捆包
美国乡民下订 (三天前) 之后就收到两天内到货的通知
相比起来付钱支持 Kickstarter 跟数个月前 pre-order 的乡民有些要到七月才拿得到货
有美国乡民叫 Palmer Luckey (Oculus Rift CEO) 出来讲清楚
结果他竟然跑出来不是安抚顾客而是回呛 https://goo.gl/nRCV5X
palmerluckey Founder, Oculus VR -120 points 5 days
Ok, sure, I will call our partners right up and let them know that they need
to cancel orders that went through them and send all their Rifts back to us.
Our customers are far more important than theirs, right?
现有的 Rift 都该寄回来给我们,因为我们的顾客比他们的重要,你说是呗?”
这家公司现在是怎样 秀下限?