姐妹公司最近在征才(大多数都在东岸,不确定需不需要身份), 如果有生物医疗背景相关
的朋友有兴趣可以将LinkedIn或是resume寄站内信, 有适合的我可以帮忙推荐
1. Senior Scientist, Molecular Biology
PhD level
Awesome if they have experience with In Vitro diagnostics, Isothermal Amplific
ation, or LAMP
2. Scientist, Molecular Biology
Bachelor’s or Master’s level
General all-star in the lab
3. Senior Scientist, Lateral Flow Assay Development
Specific preference for someone with experience designing Lateral Flow Assays
4. Product Development Scientist
Industry experience a must
BS or Master’s
Evaluate multi-step, multi-component biological workflows, work closely with D
evelopment team
5. Lab Manager
Inventory/ordering of consumables
Preparation of reagents and buffers for common lab use
6. Clinical Trial Coordinator
Experience managing clinical partners
Superb communication skills