sandows (E-mail專家仙é“群)
2005-04-02 00:02:49※ 引述《sandows (不要想太多)》之铭言:
: Mr. Kao,
: Thank you for your inquiry, but I regret to inform you that despite
: your excellent credentials, we were unable to identify an advisor who
: had funding to support your program of studies. So if you have received
: offers from other institutions, you should take advantage of them. Good
: luck in your future program!
: Sincerely,
: Mary Lowry
: 好痛苦啊!
Mr. Kao,
Unfortunately our department does not accept
students without a designated faculty advisor,
and the University will not admit an international
student without a promise of full support because
a visa cannot be issued. So I am sorry to tell you
that for those reasons your application has been denied.
Mary Lowry