Re: [问题] 涙尽铃音响的歌词英文部分...

楼主: bygonedays (罪と言う名の,追忆の罚つ)   2008-10-30 23:12:46
※ 引述《ShinRyoku (新绿)》之铭言:
: 对不起我也是砖<囧"
: 以下提供我自己听的版本
: : how wish, how wish, ..............................................(*1)
: you were here without being afraid
: : so, all in sin, all in love, all of you, all in feel your smile...(*2)
: : follow me, hold me, tell me, feel me .............................(*3)
: your breath and pray
: : 希望这块砖能引出真正的玉来补完和声(*1)(*2)(*3)的完整歌词m(_ _)m
: 刚刚找到2ch上的另一种听写版
: How I wish, How I wish, you are here without either friends.
^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
没讲还真听不出来 这句好恐怖....不过满像瑞丽会说的话耶orz
: So all the thing, all the love, all the gilt(?), all the feel aparts...
: Hold me... Hold me... Eternally fell your breathe and ***...
: 看来最后一个字实在是个难题
: 不过上次我去唱歌时曾经挑战过这首,印象中萤幕上“似乎”有显示英文歌词?
: 看有没有人最近要去青春谱的帮忙确认一下XD"
How I wish, How I wish, you are here without being afraid
So all the thing, all in love, all of you, all ?? feel your smile
???? me, hold me... Eternally feel your breath and pray
作者: lolipopo (コジマ汚染患者)   0000-00-00 00:00:00
前几天才发现Clannad的芽衣跟瑞丽的关系XD" 话说Royal里六尘散魂无缝剣瑞丽的发动台词真的超阴森的...
楼主: bygonedays (罪と言う名の,追忆の罚つ)   0000-00-00 00:00:00
作者: ShinRyoku (新绿)   0000-00-00 00:00:00

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