: PROTEUS(强纳森)-who lived in the flying city Of A.D. 2300, and longed for the
: earth he had never seen. After months of secret planning, he finally descended
: through the clouds and arrived at a system of tunnels and passageways that
: led to a ruin not recorded in the history books the Dig of the Tellers. . .
: 强纳森是一位活在西元2300年的一个空中城市,他从未看过地球且渴望去一探究竟
: 在几个月的秘密筹备下,他终于穿越云层降落在地球上一个历史上尚未被历史记录的废墟
: 需要通过层层通道才能抵达的领域,叫做Dig of the Tellers
: ps:我查了AD2300,竟然是一个游戏名"超时空之钥"XD