The former Yankees skipper said he didn’t receive any offers from other
clubs heading into the 2018 season.
"While Girardi still would like to manage again, he said he didn’t receive
any offers from other clubs heading into the 2018 season.
It’s something McGlarry said the network is prepared to deal with if
and when the time comes."
没有其他球团开offer给Joe 所以Joe 去MLB Network
MLB Network确定Joe没offer才开offer给他
证明当初说NYY不续约的话 Girardi多的是其他球团抢当总教练是错的
laste说如果Joe降价 则有offe 不合逻辑
wsx1678904说如果其他球团有缺 则有offer
不管是哪个"如果" 事实上就是没球团抢Joe