cct0207 (河童狗是河童欧~)
2008-01-09 16:14:22※ [本文转录自 cct0207 信箱]
作者: cct0207 (河童狗是河童欧~)
标题: [网宣] 龙应台文化基金会推出国际名家私塾 与王赓武面对面
时间: Wed Jan 9 16:10:23 2008
国际名家私塾 与王赓武面对面
The Lung Yingtai Cultural Foundation Launches
参加办法 Enrollment
1. 申请人限定为高中、大学及研究所学生。
2. 检附履历自传一份,以及对华人认同问题的看法短文一篇,字数不超过300字,
3. 由基金会评选30人。获选者,将于2月12日前通知。
4. 获选者需于私塾结束后,缴交一篇1000字的心得报告,及一篇100字精简版,并授权
1. Applicants should be students attending high school, universities, or
graduate schools.
2. Please mail your resume with a 300-word statement expressing your views on
issues of Chinese identities to the Lung Yingtai Cultural Foundation, 2F.,
110 Jin Hua Street, Taipei, or by email civictaipei@hotmail.com before 25
January 2008.
3. 30 short-listed applicants will be notified by 12 February 2008.
4. Short-listed applicants must submit an abstract in 100 words and a report
in 1,000 words after the completion of the master-class. The Lung Yingtai
Cultural Foundation retains the right to publish the essays for educational
and promotional purposes on a non-exclusive basis.
时间:2008年2月23日(六) 晚上19:30~21:30
地点:月涵堂 (台北市金华街110号)
Date & Times: 23 Febrary 2008 (Saturday) 19:30~21:30
Venue: Yue-han Hall, 110 Jin Hua Street, Taipei