试题 :
作业三(Homework three)
缴交日期(Due date):10/11
强度fc' = 280kgf/cm^2,钢筋降伏强度fy = 4200kgf/cm^2。
https://imgur.com/J36yPNb (本人制图)
A singly reinforced concrete rectangular beam as shown above is designed
with one layer of longitudinal tension reinforcement. The concrete compress-
ive strength fc' = 280 kgf/cm^2. The reinforcement yield strength fy = 4200
(a)What is the balanced reinforcement ratio?(Definition)
(b)What is the balanced reinforcement area Asb of this beam?
(c)How is the maximum reinforcement ratio defined based on the code?
(d)What is the maximum reinforcement area Asmax for the longitudinal reinfo-
rcement of this beam?
(e)What is the perpose for the code to specify a maximum reinforcemant area?
(f)What is the minimum reinforcement area Asmin for the longitudinal reinfo-
rcement of this beam?
(g)What is the perpose for the code to specify a minimum reinforcement area?
(a)This question is modified from past nationa exams.
(b)For question (c), the code does not directly specify a maximum reinforce-
ment ratio. Instead, the code specifies a minimum value for εt, which indi-
rectly impose an upper limit on the longitudinal tension reinforcement. For
only one layer of longitudinal reinforcement, the lecture notes provide an
equation to calculate the maximum reinforcement ratio.
(2)下图为两端均为固定端之矩形断面(35cm宽 x 70cm深)RC梁,梁净跨度长L =7.5m,受
垂直均布载重:静载重wD = 8tf/m(含梁自重)与活载重wL = 7tf/m;梁跨中点弯矩采用
wL^2/24。拉力钢筋之有效深度,统一取63cm作计算。混凝土fc' = 280kgf/cm^2,梁主
筋fy = 4200kgf/cm^2。
(b)采#8钢筋,每根断面积Ab = 5.067cm^2,采单排配置,请决定至少需配置的根数。需
(e)检核φMn >= Mu。
A RC beam as shown above is fixed at two ends and has a rectangular section
of 35 cm x 70 cm(width x height). The beam has a span L = 7.5m and is subje-
cted to vertical uniformly distributed loads: a dead load of wD = 8tf/m (in-
cluding the self-weight of the beam)and a live load of wL = 7tf/m. Use wL^2
/24 to calculate the moment at the mid span. The effective depth of the
beam is assumed to be 63 cm. Concrete fc' = 280 kgf/cm^2 and beam longitud-
inal reinforcement fy = 4200 kgf/cm^2.
(a)Calculate the required area of longitudinal tension reinforcement at the
midspan of the beam.
(b)Use #8 reinforcing bars for longitudinal reinforcement (Ab = 5.067 cm^2).
Use one layer design. Determine the minimum number of the reinforcing bars
to satisfy(a). Need to check the clear spacing of the bars based on the
code. Assume the cover depth is 4 cm. Use#3 transverse reinforcement. The
maximum size of the aggregate is 2 cm.
(c)Based on the final design of longitudinal reinforcement area As, check
whether εt at the ultimate state satisfies the code requirement on beams.
(d)Check the minimum reinforcement area based on the code.
(e)Check φMn >= Mu.
(a)This question is modified from past national exams.
(b)Use 1.2D+1.6L for the loading combination.