试题 :
I)配合题 To choose the suitable answers:(30%)
A)( 1)for detecting gravity.
( 2)a trierpene.
( 3)terpenoid with 5C.
( 4)a sesquiterpene.
( 5)for the storage of fat.
( 6)a terpenoid accumulates in chili pepper.
( 7)a cardidc glycoside.
( 8)a xanthophyll.
( 9)to control moulting cycle of larvae.
( 10)one of popular constituent of essential oil.
a. lutein b. farnesol c. statolith d. resveratrol e. geraniol
f. elaioplast g. squalene h. ecdysone i. digitonin j. hemiterpene
k. capsidiol l.dolichol
B)( 1)contribute substantially to color and durability of wood enable tree
to survive for thousand years.
( 2)toxic compound made the potato unsuitable for human consumption.
( 3)tomato red pigment.
( 4)condensed tannins in red sorghum to deter birds from feeding on the
( 5)analoge og arginine.
( 6)red color polyphenol formed during fermentation in black tea.
( 7)responsible for the blue haze observed over forests with high
( 8)responsible for the distinctive reddish-pink coloring of wild salmon.
( 9)a photosensitizer.
( 10)a cyanogenic glycoside, containing in some fruit kernel.
a. canavanine b. sapodilla c. amygdalin d. proanthocyanidin
e. thearubigin f. astaxanthin g. plicatic acid h. isoprenes i. solanine
j. psoralen k. lycopene l. cocain
C)( 1)flavonoid of plant pigment.
( 2)high concentration of the compound to make bitter melon taste bitter.
( 3)a sesquiterpene lactone in sweet wormwood with antimalarial activity.
( 4)one of irritant in pine tree.
( 5)a terpenophenolic from heartwood of yew tree, with antinicrobial and
therapeutic properties.
( 6)as signaling molecules that induce N-fixation gene expression in
compatible Rhizobium bacteria.
( 7)a flavonoid from hops and beer, and good for health.
( 8)a steroid-like substance reputed to be responsible for hypoglycaemic
properties of bitter melon.
( 9)a phenethyl alcohol antioxidant in olive oil.
( 10)a saponin, is used for synthesis of progesterone.
a. lignin b. apigenin c. quinine d. xanthohumol e. charantin f. tyrosol
g. phytol h. artemisinin i. lignin j.totarol k. abietic acid l. yamonin
II)申论题 Answer the following Questions, Briefly(70%)
1) Explain any 12 items from the following 15 terms:(36%)
a. biomining b. ellagic acid c. dolichol d. callus e. saponin
f. aromatase g. phenylpropanoids h. Co Q10 i. xenobiotic
j. isothiocyanate k. phytoalexin l. prenyl transferase m. myrosinase
n. allelochemical o. phenylalanine ammonia lyase
2)What is the risk of over-eating the vitamin C-rich fruits for a long time?
3)What is the pyrophosphate that terpenoid with 20, 30, 40, 50-C being
4)To explain the ecological functions of catechin.(4%)
5)To write the two active isoprenes (name & structural formula).(4%)
6)What are the functions of plant secondary metabolites?(6%)
7)Explain the outline of "carotenoid biosynthesis".(12%)
III)加分题(5分) 看图述事