[试题] 103上 郑明燕 统计导论 期末考

楼主: t0444564 (艾利欧)   2015-03-21 15:01:38
试题 :
Introductory Statistics     Final Examination      January 12, 2015
(I) True or False (16 pts.)
 1. __ The t-distribution has a variance that is greater than one.
 2. __ If the null hypothesis is rejected, one is confident that the
     alternative hypothesis is true.
 3. __ If the null hypothesis is not rejected, one is confident that the
     null hypothesis is true.
 4. __ A regression line can be used to predict the y-value correponding
     to any x-value.
 5. __ The t test is used when the sample size is small and the sample is
     taken from a normal populaion.
 6. __ A researcher obtained a 95% confidence interval for the proportion
     of shoppers that favored longer shopping hours as (0.56,0.78).
     Therefore there is a 95% chance that the true proportion will fall
     in the interval.
 7. __ If a researcher wanted to compare 8 means, it is preferable to use
     the F test rahter than using the t test to compare the means two at
     a time.
 8. __ When performing an F test, if the means differ significantly, the
     between-group variation will be much lager than the within-group
(II) Short Abswers (total 43s)
 1. (4 pts) Explain the confidence level of an interval estimate.
 2. Explain the terms in hypothesis testing:
  (a) (6 pts) Type I error and Type II error.
  (b) (6 pts) significance level and power.
 3. Define the following two methods used to test hypotheses.
  (a) (4 pts) The p-value method.
  (b) (4 pts) The confidence interval method.
 4. (4 pts) State the purpose of the Tukey Honestly Significant Difference
 5. Two means.
  (a) (4 pts) Define the two-sided level-α t-test for the difference of two
    population means based on a matched-pair sample.
  (b) (4 pts) Define the two-sided level-α t-test for the difference of two
    population means based on a matched-pair sample.
  (c) (3 pts) What is the purpose of matching pairs?
  (d) (4 pts) Suppose the sample variances and sample size in (a) and (b)
    are the same. Which method gives shorter confidence interval?
(III) (total 41 pts)
 1. (8 pts) If you want to check three vending machines to determine if they
   are properly dispensing 12 ounces of coffee. What would you do? Formulate
   the statistical model and provide the soluion.
 2. (8 pts) Write down a general multiple linear regression model for the
   relationship between income (y), the dependent varaible, and two
   independent variables age (x1) and grade point average (x2) for an
   employee of a company. State the assumptions and explain the meaing of
   each term in the model.
 3. (10 pts)A researcher wants to know whether the typing speed of a secretary
   (in words per minute) is realted to the time (in hours) that it takes to
   learn to use a new word processing program. The data are as the following.
   Speed(x) │48 74 52 79 83 56 85 63 88 74 90 92
   Time(y) │ 7  4 8 3.5 2 6 2.3 5 2.1 4.5 1.9 1.5
   (a) Compute the explained variation and the unexplained variation.
   (b) Find the regression line. Why is it call the line of best fit?
 4. (15 pts.) Two types of outdoor paint, enamel and latex, were tested to see
  how long (in months) each lasted before it began to crack, flake, and peel.
  They were tested in the United States to study the effects of climate in
  the paint. The data and the ANOVA table follow.
        |         Geographic location
 Type of paint|   North      East     South       West
  Enamel  |60,53,58,62,57 54,63,62,71,76 80,82,62,88,71 62,76,55,48,61
   Latex   |36,41,54,65,53 62,61,77,53,64 68,72,71,82,86 63,65,72,71,63
  Source    SS   d.f. MS F
  paint type  12.1
  location   2501
  interaction  268.1
  within group 2326.8
  total     5108
 Let X_ijk be the number of months lasted for the kth observation using ith
 paint type and tested at jth geographic location. Five possible models for
 the data are
  (A) X_ijk = μ + εijk
  (B) X_ijk = μ + αi + εijk
  (C) X_ijk = μ + βj + εijk
  (D) X_ijk = μ + αi + βj + εijk
  (E) X_ijk = μ + αi + βj + γij + εijk
 Here, εijk denotes the natural variation and is assumed to follow a Normal
 (0,σ^2) distribution.
  (a) Complete the ANOVA table.
  (b) Test significance, at level α=0.05, of the main effects and the
  (c) Which of the models A,B,C,D, and E is most appropriate for the data?
    Explain its meanings.

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