[试题] 100下 吕学一 应用随机过程 期末考

楼主: rod24574575 (天然呆)   2014-12-27 18:31:56
试题 :
台大资工 随机过程 期末考
2012年6月21日 下午两点廿分起三个小时
请定义何谓 Poisson process,并请说明为什么它是一种 continuous-time Markov
A server works for an exponentially distributed time with rate μ and then
fails. A TA checks the server at times distributed according to a Poisson
process with rate λ. If the server is found to have failed, then it is
immediately replaced. Find the expected time between two replacements of
Customers arrive at a two-server service station according to a Poisson process
with rate λ. Whenever a new customer arrives, any customer in the system
immediately leaves. A new arrival enters service first with server 1 and then
with server 2. Suppose that the service times at the servers are independent
exponentials with respective rates μ_1 and μ_2. Compute the probability that
an entering customer completes the whole service process.
猫味抓到老鼠的过程是个 Poisson process with rate λ。老鼠有黑、灰、白三种,出
Power surges occur according to a Poisson process with rate λ, and each surge
independently causes our server to fail with probability p. Let T be the time
at which the server fails and let N be the number of surges that a server
failure takes.
(a) Explain why the distribution of T conditioned on N = n is a gamma with
parameter (n, λ).
(b) Explain why the distribution of N conditioned on T = t is 1 plus a
Poisson with parameter λ(1 - p)t.
Consider a non-homogeneous Poisson process whose intensity function λ(t) is
upper-bounded by some finite number λ. Argue that such a process is equivalent
to a process of "counted events" from a (homogeneous) Poisson process with
rate λ, where an event at time t is "counted" (independent of the past) with
probability λ(t)/λ.
Consider two servers maintained by one TA. For each i = 1, 2, server i
functions for an exponential time with rate μ_i. The repair time for either
server is exponential with parameter μ. Can we analyze this as a
birth-and-death process? If so, what are the parameters (i.e., birth rate β_i
and death rate δ_i for each integral state i)? If not, how do we characterize
this continuous-time Markov chain? (That is, what are the state space, the
transition rate λ_i of each state i, and the transition probability P[i, j]
for any two distinct states i and j?)
There are n individuals in a population, some of whom have a certain infection
that spreads as follows. Contacts between two members of this population occur
in accordance with a Poisson process having rate λ. When a contact occurs, it
is equally likely to involve any of the │ │ pairs of individuals in the
population. If a contact involves an infected and a noninfected individual,
then with probability p the noninfected individual becomes infected. Once
infected, an individual remains infected throughout. Let X(t) denote the
number of infected members of the population at time t. Let X(0) = 1. What is
the expected length of time when all n individuals of the population are
Prove Kolmogorov's backward differential equation
P' (t) = Σ q P (t) - λ P (t)
i,j k∈S ik kj i ij
for finite continuous-time Markov chain.
Consider a taxi station where taxis and customers arrive in accordance with
Poisson processes with respective rates of 1 and 2 per minute. A taxi will
wait no matter how many other taxis are present. However, an arriving customer
who does not find a taxi waiting leaves. Find
(a) the expected number of taxis waiting, and
(b) the long-run proportion of arriving customers who get taxis.
Explain why an irreducible positive recurrent continuous-time Markov chain X
is time-reversible if π_i.q_ij = π_j.q_ji holds for any two states i and j
of X, where π_i (respectively, π_j) is the limiting probability of state i
(respectively, j) and q_ij (respectively, q_ji) is the instantaneous rate of
i-to-j (respectively, j-to-i) transitions.
Characterize the uniformized version of the continuous-time Markov chain of

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