[试题] 103上 骆明庆 经济学一 期中考

楼主: youngdiao (阳)   2014-11-22 00:33:53
试题 :
一、选择题(45%): 不需说明, 写出正确答案即可。
1. Which of the following observations was made famous by Adam Smith in his
book The Wealth of Nations?
(a) There is no such thing as a free lunch.
(b) People buy more when prices are low than when prices are high.
(c) No matter how much people earn, they tend to spend more than they earn.
(d) Households and firms interacting in markets are guided by an “invisible
hand” that leads them to desirable market outcomes.
2. Which of the following is an example of a normative, as opposed to positive,
(a) Universal health care would be good for U.S. citizens.
(b) An increase in the cigarette tax would cause a decrease in the number of
(c) A decrease in the minimum wage would decrease unemployment.
(d) A law requiring the federal government to balance its budget would
increase economic growth.
3. In the early 19th century, the Russian government sent doctors to southern
Russian villages to provide assistance during a cholera epidemic. The villagers
noticed that wherever doctors appeared,people died. Therefore, many doctors
were chased away from villages, and some were even killed.
This reaction to the correlation between doctors and deaths is most likely a
problem of
(a) omitted variables.
(b) reverse causality.
(c) government propaganda.
(d) medical incompetence.
4. If Korea is capable of producing either shoes or soccer balls or some
combination of the two, then
(a) Korea should specialize in the product in which it has an absolute
(b) it would be impossible for Korea to have an absolute advantage over
another country in both products.
(c) it would be difficult for Korea to benefit from trade with another
country if Korea is efficient in the production of both goods.
(d) Korea's opportunity cost of shoes is the inverse of its opportunity cost
of soccer balls.
5. Music compact discs are normal goods. What will happen to the equilibrium
price and quantity of music compact discs if musicians accept lower royalties,
compact disc players become cheaper, more firms start producing music compact
discs, and music lovers experience an increase in income?
(a) Price will fall, and the effect on quantity is ambiguous.
(b) Price will rise, and the effect on quantity is ambiguous.
(c) Quantity will fall, and the effect on price is ambiguous.
(d) Quantity will rise, and the effect on price is ambiguous.
6. A binding price floor will reduce a firm’s total revenue
(a) always.
(b) when demand is elastic.
(c) when demand is inelastic.
(d) never.
7. New oak tables are normal goods. What would happen to the equilibrium price
and quantity in the market for oak tables if the price of maple tables rises,
the price of oak wood rises, more buyers enter the market for oak tables, and
the price of the glue used in the production of the new oak tables increased?
(a) Price will fall, and the effect on quantity is ambiguous.
(b) Price will rise, and the effect on quantity is ambiguous.
(c) Quantity will fall, and the effect on price is ambiguous.
(d) Quantity will rise, and the effect on price is ambiguous.
8. Using the midpoint method, the price elasticity of demand for a good is
computed to be approximately 2. Which of the following events is consistent
with a 0.1 percent increase in the price of the good?
(a) The quantity of the good demanded decreases from 250 to 150.
(b) The quantity of the good demanded decreases from 200 to 100.
(c) The quantity of the good demanded decreases by 0.05 percent.
(d) The quantity of the good demanded decreases by 0.2 percent.
9. Suppose that when the price of ginger ale is $2 per bottle, firms can sell
4 million bottles. When the price of ginger ale is $3 per bottle, firms can
sell 2 million bottles. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) The demand for ginger ale is income inelastic, so an increase in the price
of ginger ale will increase the total revenue of ginger ale producers.
(b) The demand for ginger ale is income elastic, so an increase in the price
of ginger ale will increase the total revenue of ginger ale producers.
(c) The demand for ginger ale is price elastic, so an increase in the price
of ginger ale will decrease the total revenue of ginger ale producers
(d) The demand for ginger ale is price inelastic, so an increase in the price
of ginger ale will increase the total revenue of ginger ale producers.
10. Suppose sellers of liquor are required to send $5.00 to the government for
every bottle of liquor they sell. Further, suppose this tax causes the price
paid by buyers of liquor to rise by $3.00 per bottle. Which of the following
statements is correct?
(a) This tax causes the supply curve for liquor to shift upward by $5.00 at
each quantity of liquor.
(b) The effective price received by sellers is $5.00 per bottle less than it
was before the tax.
(c) Forty percent of the burden of the tax falls on buyers.
(d) All of the above are correct.
11. Total surplus in a market will increase when the government
(a) imposes a tax on that market.
(b) imposes a binding price floor on that market.
(c) removes a binding price ceiling from that market.
(d) None of the above is correct.
12. When a nation first begins to trade with other countries and the nation
becomes an importer of corn,
(a) this is an indication that the world price of corn exceeds the nation's
domestic price of corn in the absence of trade.
(b) this is an indication that the nation has a comparative advantage in
producing corn.
(c) the nation’s consumers of corn become better off and the nation's
producers of corn become worse off.
(d) All of the above are correct.
13. Suppose a tax of $5 per unit is imposed on a good, and the tax causes the
equilibrium quantity of the good to decrease from 200 units to 100 units. The
tax decreases consumer surplus by $450 and decreases producer surplus by $300.
The deadweight loss from the tax is
(a) $250.
(b) $500.
(c) $700.
(d) $1,000.
14. Suppose that electricity producers create a negative externality equal to
$5 per unit. Further suppose that the government gives a $5 per unit subsidy to
producers.What is the relationship between the equilibrium quantity and the
socially optimal quantity of electricity to be produced?
(a) They are equal.
(b) The equilibrium quantity is greater than the socially optimal quantity.
(c) The equilibrium quantity is less than the socially optimal quantity.
(d) There is not enough information to answer the question.
15. Economists tend to see ticket scalping (黄牛票) as
(a) a way for a few to profit without producing anything of value.
(b) an inequitable interference in the orderly process of ticket distribution.
(c) a way of increasing the efficiency of ticket distribution.
(d) an unproductive activity which should be made illegal everywhere.
二、非选择题(55%): 答题时请适当说明你的想法, 答案内容以让阅卷者了解为原则。
1. (10分)根据2014年10月31日联合晚报,题为“抢台大鲜乳学生、民众互呛”的报导:
台大农产品展示中心前的排队民众用宝特瓶、雨伞占位, 引发学生对校内长期存在的校外
“占位党”发起反制;学生日前号召同学早起轮班, 化身“清洁工”, 只要不是本人排队,
· · · · · · · · ·
地上排的物品扫到一旁, 口气又很差, 台大学生不懂得敬老尊贤, 书白念了。
另一位80多岁的老先生说, 家人习惯喝台大鲜乳, 他不是不愿排队, 但因为年纪大、无法
久站, 只能在一旁坐着等,“台大学生如果想喝, 就应早起, 赶在6点来排队。”
(a) (3分) 假设台大农场每日固定供应50瓶鲜乳, 请以市场供需图说明为什么会有“抢台
(b) (2分) 一般而言, 排队会将资源分配给哪些人? 是否是有“效率”的分配方式?
(c) (2分) 按年龄长幼的“敬老尊贤”分配法是否“有效率”的分配法, 为什么会有人主
(d) (3分) 应该如何有效率地分配台大农场生产的牛奶, 并消弭学生和“占位党”的冲突?
2. (15分)我国国民对大学教育的需求为P = 60 - 2Q, P 和Q的单位分别为“万元”和“万
人”。假设大学教育的单位成本为固定的20万元, 因此大学教育的供给为P = 20的水平线
(a) (5分) 画出大学教育的供需图, 并在图上标示均衡价格和均衡数量分别为何? 均衡时
(b) (5分) 我国大学教育的特性是政府同时制订学费和录取学生数。某个年代教育部规定
大学招生人数为3万人, 学费为2万元, 学费与固定成本之间的差额则由政府完全补贴。请
问, 此时大学的录取率为何?(即实际录取人数占需求量的比例。)请在图上标示消费者剩余
、政府补贴、社会总剩余和绝对损失(deadweight loss) 分别为何, 并计算其金额。
(c) (5分) 政府呼应人民“打开大学窄门”的要求, 将招生人数增加为10万人, 但继续采
取所谓的“低学费政策”, 学费仍为2万元。请问, 请上图上标示此时政府补贴、绝对损失
、社会总剩余和消费者剩余, 并计算其金额。相较于(b) 小题, 此时社会总剩余增加或减
3. (15分) Suppose that a market is described by the following supply and
demand equations:
QS = 2P
QD = 300 - P
(a) (2分) Solve for the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity.
(b) (3分) Suppose that a tax of T=60 is placed on buyers, so the new demand
equation is
QD = 300 - (P + T) = 300 - (P + 60)
Solve for the new equilibrium. What happens to the price received by sellers,
the price paid by buyers, and the quantity sold?
(c) (4分) From (b), calculate the tax revenue and deadweight loss of the tax?
(d) (3分) Instead of placing the tax on buyers, suppose a tax T=60 is placed on
sellers, what is the new supply equation?
(Hint: You don't need this part to correctly answer part (e).)
(e) (3分) From (d), solve the new equilibrium, what is the price received by
sellers, the price paid by buyers, and the quantity sold?
4. (15分) Suppose an individual loves to garden. She uses pesticides that
drift across her neighbor's yard. The gardener values the use of the pesticides
at $1,500. The neighbor values clear air at $2,000.
(a) (4分) What does the Coase theorem suggest will take place if the gradener
has the right to use pesticides freely?
(b) (4分) What does the Coase theorem suggest will take place if the neighbor
has the right to clear air?
(c) (4分) Does the solution to the problemabove depend on the distribution of
property rights? That is, does it depend on who has the right to pollute or
live pollution free?
(d) (3分) The Coase theorem suggests that private parties can solve the
problem of externalities on their own if they can bargain without cost. What
is the cost of bargaining that would eliminate the ability for a private

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