jimming (吉明)
2014-06-24 12:16:04课程名称︰普通物理甲下
考试时限(分钟):130 min
试题 :
1. an object is 10 mm form the objective of a certain compound microscope. the lenses are 300 mm apart, and the intermediate image is 50 mm from the eyepiece. what is the overall magnification of this microscope?
2. a thin film of acetone (n=1.25) coats a thick glass plate (n=1.5). white light is incidient normal to the film. in the reflection, fully destructive interference occurs at 600 nm and full constructive interference at 700 nm. calculate the thickness of the acetone film.
3. slits of unequal widths are used in a double-slit experiment with laser beam (wave length lambda) . assuming one slit can pass quadruple amount of light than the other (ie E1=2E2). Determine the intensity function I(θ) (note that the separation between the two silts is d and we have the maximum intensity I0 at θ=0
4. a diffraction grating with 10000 rulings in a 10 mm regin is illuminated by monochromatic light, lambda=500 mm, normal to the grating. it produce a line image at angle θ=30. what is the order and the half-width of this line?
5. what is the minimum number of dpi(dots per inch) for the color inkjet printing that one cannot distinguish a line with dots? assume that the pupik diameter is 1.5 mm and the near point is about 25 cm for most people. you should also take the most disadvantaged color into account.
6. write down the Lorentz transformatin between two inertial frames that one frame is moving at speed v in the x direction with respect to the other. show thast the speed of light in vacuum is constant c measured from both frames based on the Lorentz transformation.
7.a spaceship is moving away from Earth at speed 0.6c. a source on the rear of the ship emits light at wavelength 450 nm according to someone on the ship. what wavelength is directed by someone on Earth watching the ship?
8.find the energy levels and corresponding wave functions of a partical trapped in a one dimensional infinite potential well. the mass of the particle is m and the width of the potential well is a.
9.draw the schematic diagram of a typical x-ray tube and the x-ray spetrum of a typical metal target. note that you should write down the information of different parts and pin point the features of the x-ray spectrum.
10. describe briefly the definition of fermi energy for a metal. the density of copper is 8.96 g/cm^3 and its atomic weight is 63.5 gm/mole. assume one copper atom can contribute one free electron, what is the fermi energy in eV for copper? Ef=0.121h^2(N/V)^2/3/m, where N denotes the total number of free electrons; V is the volume; h is the planck constant; m is the electron mass ~0.51 MeV/C^2