考试日期(年月日)︰2007.01.08 ~ 2007.01.15
考试时限(分钟):2007.01.08 公布考题, 2007.01.15 上课前缴回
试题 :
Final Examination
Assigned: 2007/01/08
Due: 2007/01/15
You should choose at least five questions to answer from the following seven
questions : (5/7)
1. Please describe the major processes of game development pipeline.
2. What are the three layers of motion behavior?
3. Please describe the three major types of character format used in real-time
3D games and analyze their pros and cons.
4. Please describe the three basic culling techniques for improving the
3D rendering performance.
5. What are the AABB and OBB ? Please describe the their differences in usage.
6. Please write down the A* algorithm.
7. Please describe the following three common processing models of FSMs in game
AI applications.
○ Polling
○ Event-driven
○ Multi-thread