考试日期(年月日)︰2010.11.09 ~ 2010.11.16
考试时限(分钟):2010.11.09 公布考题, 2010.11.16 上课前缴回
试题 :
Midterm Examination (due: 2010/11/16)
Assigned: 2010/11/9
Due: 2010/11/16
1. Please compare the differences between the game controls of using the
gamepad and the mouse.
2. Why do we usually embed a cheat code system in the game?
3. Please explain the differences between oriented mesh and non-oriented mesh
and give some examples to describe why oriented mesh is better than the
non-oriented one.
4. Why do we need the system analysis procedure before developing a game?
5. Please explain Level of Details (LOD). Give some situations when
continuous LOD is better than discrete LOD and describe the reason.
6. Please describe the three major types of character (the actor in TheFly)
format used in real-time 3D games and compare their pros and cons.
7. Please explain what is shader? What are the differences between vertex
shaders and pixel shaders? Please also explain why shaders can be used for
GPGPU computation?