[试题] 102上 林祥泰 化工热力学甲一 期中考(一)

楼主: joshua40302 (阿硕)   2014-01-22 21:40:44
试题 :
Closed book and notes
Note: Credit for each problem is given in the square brackets [].
(a) Explain the major focus of thermodynamics. [4 points]
(b) Describe the statements for the three laws of thermodynamics. [4 points]
(c) Write down the mathematical expressions for the 1st and 2nd laws of
thermodynamics. [4 points]
(d) Describe what a reversible process is and how to attend such a process.
Why is such a process important? [4 points]
(e) What is equilibrium and how is it different from steady state? [4 points]
An isolated tank is divided into two equal chambers by an internal diaphragm.
One chamber contains an ideal gas (of temperature-independent constant pressure
heat capacity, C*p) of pressure P1, and temperature T1, and the other chamber
is evacuated.Suddenly, the diaphragm bursts.
(a) Determine the final temperature T2 and pressure P2 of the gas in the tank
after sufficient time has passed for equilibrium to be attained.[6 points]
(b) Determine the total entropy generation of the above process. [4 points]
(c) Suppose a magic machine is applied such that shaft work can be extracted as
the idea gas passes from one chamber to the other. Determine the maximum
work that can be obtained. [6 points]
(d) Determine the final temperature T3 and pressure P3 of the gas in problem(c)
[4 points]
Suppose that n moles of an ideal gas originally in state1 (T1,P1) is changed
to state2 (T2,P2) via different processes described below (note that P2>P1).
For each process, determine the change in internal energy (△U), enthalpy (△H)
,and entropy (△S), and the work (W) done on the gas and the heat (Q),flowed
into the gas.(Assuming the constant pressure heat capacity Cp* to be
temperature independent)
(a) Reversible isothermal (T1=T2) compression [5 points]
(b) Irreversible compression against a constant external pressure P2.[5 points]
The Joule-Thomson expansion valve is commonly used in industry to reduce
pressure in a gaseous flow stream. Since the gas flows through the valve
rapidly, one can assume that there is no heat transfer to the gas
T1 ——————————————————— T2
→ ╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳╳ →
P1 ——————————————————— P2
(a) Show that the enthalpy of the gas remains unchanged when passing through
the valve.[5 points]
(b) A ideal gas of temperature T1 and pressure P1 is steadily exhausted to the
atmosphere P2 at a constant molar flow rate n using the Joule-Thomson
valve.What is the temperature of the gas after leaving the valve?
[5 points]
(c) What is the rate of entropy generation in (b)? [5 points]
(d) A chemical engineer claimed that he designed a new valve capable of
generating shaft work during the pressure-reducuing process. What is the
temperature of the exhaust gas and the maximum work that can be produced
from the new valve for the process describe in (b)?[10 points]
Illustrated below is a simple solar engine consisting of a collector and a
heat engine. Solar energy is absorbed as heat (Qin) through the collector. The
collector loses some of the heat it absorbs by convection (q1), and the
remainder (q2) is passed through a heat engine to produce electricity. The rate
of heat loss from the collector is q1=h(Tc-Ta) where h is the heat transfer
coefficient and Ta is the ambient temperature. The heat flows to the heat
engine(q2) at temperature Tc and leaves(q3) the engine at Ta.
(a) Choose the collector and heat engine combined as the system, write down the
energy and entropy balance equations, respectively. [5 points]
(b) Express the work output Ws in terms of Qin,Tc,Ta,h and the rate of entropy
generation inside the system. Under what condition will the efficiency of
solar engine reach that of a Carnot engine? [10 points]
(c) Describe how the work output of the solar engine changes with the changes
in collector temperature Tc and ambient temperature Ta. [10 points]

∣Collector, Tc∣→→ q1
∣ ∣

∣ Heat Engine ∣→→ Ws
∣ ∣

作者: encorev37383 (廖小白)   2014-01-22 21:46:00

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