Akerker (阿克克)
2014-01-15 12:11:05课程名称︰普通物理学乙
1. [5] Double-slit interference has been chosen as one of the most beautiful
experiments ever performed. Which particle does NOT exhibit double-slit
interference effect?
A. Photon;B. Electron;C. Sound(phonon);D. C60;E. Tennis. Why?
2. [5] The reason that tree leaf is green in color is because
A. reflection;B. refraction;C. scattering;D. absorption;E. emission.
3. [5] In class, we learned that light absorption and electric voltage decay
in axon follow a similar exponential equation. Please explain what are the
similarities behind these two physics phenomena so that exponential
function is suitable to both of them.
4. [5] Consider there are two point light sources that are located 10 meters
from your eyes. Assuming that the wavelength of light is 500 nm and there
is no aberration in your eyes, when the pupil sizes of your eyes are 1 mm,
what is the smallest distance between the two point light sources that you
can resolve by your eyes?Please use the model of reduces eye.
5. [5] In a typical optical microscope, the total magnification factor can be
as large as 2000x, where the eyepiece and objective contribute 20x and
100x, respectively. What are the focal distances of a 20x eyepiece and a
100x objective? Assuming the near point distance and the tube length are
250 and 160 mm, respectively.
6. [5] The wavelength of an 100-eV photon is __ than the wavelength of an
electron whose kinetic energy is 100-eV.
A. 2 orders longer;B. 1 order longer;C. comparable;D. 1 order shorter;
E. 2 orders shorter.
7. [5] In Rutherford's experiment, he used alpha particles to hit gold foil
and detect backscattered particles. It is known that the charge of an alpha
particle and a gold nucleus are 2 e+ and 79 e+, respectively. Assuming that
the kinetic energy of the alpha particle is 5 MeV, and the nucleus exhibits
a static electric potential in the form of V=q/4π(ε0)r, where q is
charge of nucleus, ε0 is the dielectric constant of vacuum, and r is the
distance between nucleus and flying alpha particles, please make a guess of
the size of gold nucleus.
8. [5] Please compare the advantages and disadvantages of X-ray CT and MRI.
List as many points as you can.
9. [5] Resonance is one of the most important properties of our daily life.
Which one of the following is NOT related to resonance?
A. Black paper absorbs white light;
B. The most effortless speed of walking;
C. Sound of flute;
D. Heat dissipation by evaporation.
10. [8] In class, we have made a demo experiment to show that with a bottle
containing boiled alcohol, if we put the bottle into cold water, the
volume of the bottle was shrunk dramatically. Assuming the original volume
of the bottle is 600 ml, alcohol boiling temperature is 78℃, water
temperature is 20℃, and further assuming the bottle is sealed after
alcohol boiled (with pure alcohol gas inside), please guess what is the
final volume of the bottle if we immerse this bottle into a water tank.
11. [5] Both wind and sweat evaporation cool us down. In our class
demonstration, we added evaporating alcohol onto a thermometer, and then
the reading reduces. If wind blows onto the same thermometer before the
alcohol fully evaporates, will it further reduce the lowest temperature
A. Yes;B. No;C. Depends.
12. [4] Based on fluid continuity and Bernoulli's law, which one is correct
when we compare the blood flows in artery and in capillary?
A. In artery, the speed is higher and pressure is larger;
B. In artery, the speed is smaller and pressure is larger;
C. In artery, the speed is higher and pressure is lower;
D. In artery, the speed is smaller and pressure is lower.
13. [4] However, we know that the blood pressure in artery is in fact larger
than the pressure in capillary. Can you explain why?
14. [5] (Ex 8.9) (a) [2] During intense physical activity, the flow rate
through a 1-cm diameter aorta is 25 liter/min. Please derive the average
flow velocity. (b) [3] The blood in aorta flows in spurts, and the
velocity of blood during on spurt is three times higher than the average
flow velocity. Please calculate the power generated by the left ventricle
during intense physical activity. The systolic pressure is 120 torr and
the density of blood is 1.05 g/cm3.
15. [5] Why should we learn the concept of center of mass? Please explain it
based on Newton's laws.
16. [4] (Ex 1.12) Calculate the force exerted by the muscle and the
compression force on the fifth lumbar vertebra (i.e. the pivot point A) in
the figure. Assuming BD:DE:EA=2:1:3, and assuming W1 and W2 are 160 N
and 320 N, respectively.(附人体弯腰拾物的脊椎示意图)
17. [5] When does friction force depend on contact area? Explain your reason
as clear as possible, and provide as least one example.
18. [5] Compared to a race car on a flat track with the same speed, the
friction force of a race car on a 30 degree banked track is
A. Higher;B. The same;C. Lower.
Assuming the radius of curveture is 100 m, and the speed of the race car
is 100 m/s.
19. [10] Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time, is famous
of performing slam dunks from the free throw line. Given that the distance
of the basket to the free throw line is d=4 m, the height of the basket
is H=3 m, and assuming the ball height is also h=3 m in Jordan's raised
hand, please determine (a) [5] The minimal initial velocity at the free
throw line required for Jordan to perform slam dunk (Assuming this is a
standing broad jump, while keeping his body rigid and assuming the
jump-off angle is 45 degree);(b) [5] If he is 100-Kgw, how much force
should be applied by his leg to achieve this jump? What is the direction
of the force? (The accelerating distance is assumed to be half of his
height, 2 m)
‧Mass of electron:9.1×10^(-31) Kg, charge of an electron:1.6×10^(-19) C,
dielectric constant:8.85×10^(-12) F/m.