kylefan (袖子)
2020-03-19 18:58:12https://i.imgur.com/9ro41mQ.jpg
CAPCOM的数码版Nintendo Switch游戏减价中,最高六折‼
超耐玩的《Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate》七五折,剧情曲折精彩的《逆转裁
判123成步堂精选集》六折,经典《Resident Evil》系列一律七五折,还有《Capcom Bel
t Action Collection》等怀旧之作都现正减价中!
CAPCOM’s digital Nintendo Switch games are now on sale, up to 40%-off ‼
We are offering limited time offer on the “time thief game” – Monster Hunte
r World: Iceborne for 25%-off, fantastic storytelling game - Phoenix Wright: A
ce Attorney Trilogy for 40%-off, classic Resident Evil franchises for 25%-off,
and retro games including Capcom Belt Action Collection!
Start a new adventure with these games even at home!