kentlee (Steel Curtain)
2016-08-30 06:13:14感谢大家,10队凑齐啦!没报到名抱歉啦!
※ 引述《savage500 (savage)》之铭言:
: 有鉴于目前还有多个空缺,应该是点连结就可以直接加入了
: 我还没遇过乡民团人数不足流团的啊
: 联盟设定两个Flex 算是比较弹性 有兴趣的人欢迎加入
: ※ 引述《kentlee (Steel Curtain)》之铭言:
: : Hello, everyone
: : If you interested in palying the fantasy football, please join us.
: : ONLY "9" spots available now.
: : Basically, it is "10" team league and very simple "scoring first" league.
: : But encourage the defense end for more points.
: : Please see here for more detail setting: http://goo.gl/3h93yR
: : The "DRAFT TIME" now on Sat Sep 3 晚上 11点 台湾时间
: : If you interested, please 站内寄信并告诉我你的PTT ID和EMAIL,我再发邀请函
: : 或用上面网址自行加入,加入后请送EMAIL给我,你的PTT ID和EMAIL,做确认,谢谢
: : League ID#: 346963
: : League Name: BeerBellys On Parade
: : Draft Type: Live Standard Draft
: : Draft Time: Sat Sep 3 11:00pm 台湾时间
: : Cash League Settings: Not a cash league
: : Max Teams: 10
: : Scoring Type: Head-to-Head
: : Playoffs: Week 14, 15, and 16 (8 teams) Note: Week 16 runs 7 days from
: D
: : 20 to Dec 26
: : Playoff Tie-Breaker: Higher seed wins
: : Playoff Reseeding: No
: : Roster Positions: QB, WR, WR, RB, TE, W/R/T, W/R/T, K, DEF, BN, BN, BN
: ,
: : BN, BN