mrkey (è·é›¢å¤ªé æ€å¿µå¤ªè¿‘)
2014-12-17 14:56:51懒人中文翻译:
Brady 场上管不住嘴巴狂丢 F-bomb, 然后又被 CBS/NBC crew 给照到
结果就被美国人民向 FCC 投书控告.... 3 件.
(我小孩都会读唇术, 阿你们电视台都不管一下的吗?)
Brady 表示: F-bomb 这个字很赞啊, 尤其是比赛火热的时候.
去找 CBS 和 NBC 的麻烦, 是他们在转播上 show 的, 不干我的事~
FCC received three complaints about CBS repeatedly showing Tom Brady swearing
when Patriots played Packers
Tom Brady’s potty mouth offended some people’s Midwestern sensibilities.
Folks from Indiana and Iowa, along with one from Pennsylvania, filed
indecency complaints with the FCC after Brady repeatedly yelled his favorite
four-letter word, The Smoking Gun reported Tuesday.
During the Patriots’ Week 13 game against the Packers, CBS cut away to the
sidelines after Green Bay got a first down late in the game — extinguishing
any hope of a New England comeback in the 26-21 loss — and showed Brady
yelling “f