[外絮] 独行侠老板有望接拉斯维加斯金沙集团CEO

楼主: LABOYS (洛城浪子)   2025-03-10 19:55:23
Dallas Mavericks governor Patrick Dumont in line to become Las Vegas Sands CEO
Dallas Mavericks governor Patrick Dumont is poised to become the next CEO of
Las Vegas Sands, the resort and casino development company founded by his late
father-in-law, Sheldon Adelson.
达拉斯独行侠管理层 Patrick Dumont 即将成为拉斯维加斯金沙集团的下一任执行长,
该度假与赌场开发公司,由他的已故岳父 Sheldon Adelson 创立。
The board of directors intends for Dumont to take over as chairman and CEO in
March 2026, when Robert Goldstein transitions to the role of senior advisor,
the company announced Thursday. Goldstein will serve until March 2028,
according to a news release.
根据该公司周四的公告,董事会计划由 Dumont 于 2026 年 3 月接任董事长兼执行长,
届时现任执行长 Robert Goldstein 将转任高级顾问。
根据新闻稿,Goldstein 将担任该职位至 2028 年 3 月。
Dumont and his mother-in-law, Miriam Adelson, purchased a majority stake in
the Mavericks from Mark Cuban in December 2023. As governor, Dumont represents
the team on the NBA Board of Governors.
Dumont 与其岳母 Miriam Adelson 于 2023 年 12 月,
从 Mark Cuban 手中收购了独行侠的多数股权。
作为球队管理层代表,Dumont 负责在 NBA 理事会中代表独行侠。
Adelson is the largest shareholder of Sands, which operates casino resorts in
Singapore and Macau. It reached an agreement to sell its Las Vegas properties,
including The Venetian, in 2021.
Adelson 是金沙集团的最大股东,该公司在新加坡和澳门经营赌场度假村。
金沙于 2021 年达成协议出售其位于拉斯维加斯的资产,包括威尼斯人酒店。
An entity connected to Sands owns most of a 182-acre tract of land in Irving
that could be used for a new Mavericks arena, if the city approves an
application to rezone the area.
与金沙集团相关的实体拥有位于 Irving 的大部分 182 英亩土地,
Since his first interview as team governor, Dumont has been clear about his
vision for a new arena, though he has said the franchise will fulfill its
American Airlines Center lease, which expires in July 2031.
自担任球队管理层代表以来,Dumont 一直明确表达对新球馆的愿景,
尽管他表示球队将履行与美国航空中心(American Airlines Center)的租约,
该租约将于 2031 年 7 月到期。
The zoning changes don’t guarantee the arena would be built in Irving, but
they would create a high-intensity mixed-use area that in part would be
earmarked for “an arena with a minimum of 15,000 seats and/or an indoor
theater with a minimum of 4,000 seats.”
虽然区域变更并不代表球馆一定会建在 Irving,
“至少 15,000 个座位的球馆和/或至少 4,000 个座位的室内剧院。”
The application also would clear the way for the construction of a destination
resort with one or more luxury hotels, which “may include Casino Gaming if
authorized by the Constitution and laws of the state of Texas.”
Brother ruined our franchise and they gave this dude a raise.
He married well.
Was hoping he would step down as GOV once he becomes CEO of Sands Vegas.
Needs to surrender his Mavs duty
I’m sure he has a dipshit kid to take his place. They always do.
Only a matter of time. Vegas Mavs.
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金沙首家线上赌场上线啦! 性感荷官在线发牌
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德克萨斯州游说赌场失败 就想搬去拉斯维加斯
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计画通 小牛准备搬家

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