beckseaton (沒有é‹å‹•æœƒæ»)
2025-02-25 08:01:29Naz Reid is expected to opt out of his contract this summer and enter free
agency, per @JakeLFischer
“Reid, who is the league’s reigning Sixth Man of the Year for a few more
months, possesses a $15 million player option for 2025-26 that many of those
same strategists expect he’ll decline in search of a richer arrangement in
the summer.”
(Via http://bit.ly/43c74kd)
灰狼队的Naz Reid下赛季是1500万美元的球员选择权
预计他会跳出进入自由球员市场 寻求更大张的合约
这位上赛季的最佳第六人本季14.7分 5.8篮板 三分命中率.404