[外絮] AR: AD孩子会找我讲话..我也是Luka的超粉

楼主: usnavyseal (usmarine2008)   2025-02-05 14:33:13
https://i.imgur.com/J7AHtL2.png https://i.imgur.com/PIrRcqo.png
Austin Reaves on AD trade: “It’s been a tough couple days… You build a
relationship with these guys. That’s the toughest part for me.”
AR谈到AD交易: 这几天很难熬...你和他们建立了深厚的关系,对我来说是最困难的部分
Reaves also shared how tough the last few days have been just due to his
personal connection to AD and Max Christie. He said after games, AD would
FaceTime one of his kids, who’d ask for Reaves by name. Austin would then
ask for his 3-point celebration, and AD’s kid would oblige.
AR 也分享了过去几天因为与 AD 和 Max的个人情感而感到非常难过。他说,在比赛后,
AD 会与他的其中一个孩子进行视讯通话,而他的孩子会特别点名要跟 Reaves 说话。
然后 Austin 会要求 AD的孩子模仿他的3分球庆祝动作,而 AD的孩子也会照做。
Austin Reaves said he’s super excited to play with Luka Doncic, and is a
huge fan of his game. Said he thinks Luka can go down as a Top 10, perhaps
Top 5 player ever when it’s all said and done.
Austin Reaves表示他非常兴奋能与 Luka Doncic一起打球,并且是 Luka 的超级粉丝。
他认为 Luka最终可能会成为史上前10,甚至前5的球员。
Austin Reaves says he turned to LeBron (“because he’s been in the league a
billion years”), for advice on how to handle shocking trades.
He stated these last couple days were hard on him due to the relationships he
had built, “I feel like I had an empty pit in my stomach”
AR表示,他向 LeBron求助,因为“他在联盟待了无数年”,想知道如何应对震惊的交易
作者: OneManParade (一个人游行)   2025-02-05 14:35:00
作者: Hohenzollern   2025-02-05 14:46:00
二者都是用脑打球的白人球员AR都入选美利坚国家队 不需要舔好嘛

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